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Friday, July 8, 2011



No rest for the weary.
I saw Tony off to work this morning
around 7:00am then went back to bed.
He was actually supposed to be
at work at 7:00am this morning.  
While I thought I had
set the alarm I forgot to actually turn it on.
About an hour later mom called and
wanted to chat.  I went back to bed again
after that.  Then I woke up again to
the cable man calling.  He wasn't
supposed to come out and upgrade
our cable til after 2 pm and was
calling to see if he could come sooner.
I've probably had less than 4 hours sleep.
And tonight there's no going to bed
early because we're heading over
to the hotels where the Good Guy
cars are staying at this weekend.

Here's pics of some of the cars
we saw yesterday at Busch Blvd.
and near Morse & 71.

We then went over to Olentangy Plaza
area and saw a few more and stopped
in McDonalds.  They were a little
busy.  While standing in line
we overheard the man in front of
us ordering a hamburger but
requested that they keep the hamburger
off it.  So he pretty much got
a bun with mustard, ketchup and
a couple chopped up onions!
I thought that was really weird!



The cable guy just left not long ago.
It was not the same guy that was at our
house last week, it was an installation
guy.  I questioned the guy about really
needing the DVR to get the digital upgrade,
which means that all of Insight's channels
will be going to all digital and if you don't
have these mini cable boxes attached
to your tv you will eventually not be able
to view the channels without this box.
I thought it was fishy that the other
guy told me and my mom that
we were required to have another
DVR in order to get these channels.
The installation guy today told me
that it was NOT required and you do
not need a mini converter box
on an LCD TV.  The other
man flat out lied to us to make
a sale.  They do not charge you for
the mini cable converters!
The $7 this other man told us we would
be charged was for the DVR.
So I will be calling Insight
and filing a complaint about
their salesman who is making sales
and taking advantage of people
who are none the wiser!!

I'm just fed up with people lately.
It's hard to trust what anyone says
or does!!  I can't even trust some
people in our own neighborhood.
About ready to just crawl under
a rock and hide.
Running on empty and have had
little sleep.



Just got back not long ago.
 It was nice being able to get
out of the house this evening
trying to relax some.
Been stressing out too much with
everything that's gone on around here.

We stopped in a few stores to check
out security cameras.  I think that
we've decided we're going to splurge and get
one in the near future.  I would like
to research them a littler further though
because it is something I am not
familiar with.
I would like wireless with night vision
and audio. And it would be nice
to find one that takes an SD camera card
because I have nothing to hook
the camera up to in order to record
any activity.  It we be nice to find one
that only records only when motion is detected.

I just think I would feel better with
one for our security since police
aren't willing to do anything
with out video evidence.

After that we went back up to the
continent to check out more
Good Guy cars on Busch Blvd.

Ain't she purty.  It's either a 
77 or 78 Trans Am with a big
vroom vroom sticking out of the hood!

Sh Boom, one of the 4 flame throwers
we seen up there.
It passed right in front of where
we were sitting.
Yeah it got a little warm!

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