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Wednesday, July 6, 2011



I was sitting here checking out
I had seen where parts of Arizona had a
major dust storm.  Check it out HERE. 
And HERE. A neighbor of ours across the street,
who's retired, has a son and grandson who
live with her.  The grandson (11 yrs old) went out
to Arizona for the Summer to visit his mom.
I hope he is ok out there.  Those videos
I watched looked pretty scary.

I watered some baby grass this morning
along with some flowers and filled the
bird bath with some fresh water.
I checked out the plant that has been
growing by our mail box and saw that it
had it's first bloom today.
Sure does show all signs of being
a zucchini plant. It's just weird that this plant
showed up out of the blue in our front yard.
I've never grown zucchini before.
So we suspect the seed came from the bird feeder.



I got the rest of our bedroom picked
up then vacuumed it along with a few other areas. 

Went out and filled up
the bird feeder.  I hung one up out back
so we could watch the birds in the shade.
Bird feeder above hanging from Pine tree
and bird bath below with birdie on it.

I found a large bag, maybe 10 pounds, of bird food at Kroger
for $3.99.  It was $7.99.
They had taped up a hole it had in the bag.



Here's some deals I found at Kroger yesterday
that I didn't post because I wasn't in my right
mind.  Still ain't in my right mind today either
but better.  I'm constantly looking over my
shoulder to see if we are being watched
or followed.

Anyway here's the deals-

Boxed cheddar cheese soup.
Was $1.69 marked down to $1.19.
I figured since I didn't get my potato
soup made yesterday I could use some
of this to make it with today.
2 packages of pork cube steaks, 
2 meals worth.
One was $3.70 marked down to $2.21
and the other was $4.71 marked down to $2.81.
Pork & vegetable kabobs.
One was $2.96 marked down to $1.77
and the other was $2.99 marked down to $1.79.



I am documenting anything that
happens around here from the incident
yesterday. I want to keep track
of everything in case police should show
up or something should happen.
I want every detail as it's fresh in my memory
wrote down so I don't forget.

I was out back checking on my tomato
plants and Jonathan was tinkering with
his bike under the carport.
Where I was at in the yard no one
could see me if they came up the driveway.
So as I'm fiddling with my tomatoes
I heard Jonathan say the trouble makers
name.  I won't mention their names
on here so I'll just call him trouble maker.
I come out from my garden area and around
the corner at my gate stands trouble maker
with another kid.  Some kid I don't know and
haven't seen before.  I was pissed. 
And for this other kid not to know us
he sure ran his mouth at me!
For trouble maker to even show his face at my house, in my yard takes balls!
I had asked Jonathan later on
what trouble maker said when he
came up to the gate and he said,
"we need to talk."
I got loud and told him he needed to leave
immediately and to never come back.
I told him I was half tempted to file a 
police report on him and charge him
with slander for telling this other parent
that we stole bicycles yesterday
and cause all the chaos and my paranoia now.
He said, well Jonathan told the parents
that he stole the bicycle.  That was a lie.
When those people were at my house
yesterday no one pointed any fingers
as to who could have done it.
I only told them to check certain
streets or apartment complexes,
never a name or a certain house!!
When the parents left they told me
they were going over to trouble makers
house to see if the bicycles were there.
That was their choice they made on their
own not because of something we said.
Anyways, trouble maker said because
someone told him that Jonathan said he stole the bicycles he in turn told the parents 
that Jonathan did it.  
Well geez, wasn't that nice of him.
You would of though he would have
tried to deny the situation by saying
something like, but I did see Jonathan do
it, but he didn't, he pretty much did
it to to get back at us from hear say.
I told him I didn't appreciate all the crap
he put me through with this parent harassing
me yesterday for a couple hours, doing a burnout in my neighbor's yard and saying they were calling
the police on me.  
I yelled really loud at
him to the point it was echoing off houses
and all the way up the street til I knew he
was gone.  Now I feel as though I have to
stand guard around here to make
sure he doesn't come back
and start something or steal or damage something
out of retaliation.
I don't even want the kids leaving the house
too far where I cannot see them for
fear he'll corner them.
So for now their other friends have
to come to our house so I can keep watch
over all them.

I don't like these days where Tony has to
work late and today is another one.
They are short 2 people and are going
through a time where they are getting
 much more move outs due to 
college kids graduating.

I've been telling everyone that we installed
security cameras hoping that the word gets out.
We don't have any security cameras
and no one needs to know that.
I don't have money for cameras so by telling
people we do have them makes me
feel better somewhat.
I don't like to lie but in this case
I feel the need to do so for security reasons.
Just the thought of them possibly
being on our home would make
people think twice before
attempting to do anything.
We did install motion sensored

Well I think since it's almost 4:00pm
I'm going to go start supper.
Maybe this time around I'll get
the potato soup finished.
Because of all the crap that happened
yesterday evening I ended up taking
everyone out to McDonalds for
the 4 cheeseburgers and 4 fries
for $4.99.  Plus 3 $1 drinks.



A bunch of Jonathan's friends came over
to play.  They know Jonathan is not allowed
far from home at the moment.
One of his friends which lives several blocks
away just informed me that trouble maker
kid came up to him today and told
him to go beat up Jonathan for him.
If not he would do it himself.
I really don't think trouble maker
would do it himself if he is on probation
but I do think he would ask several 
people to do it for him.
So still standing at guard around here.
Don't that sound like fun.
I am so tired of this crap and wish
this trouble maker was hauled of
to juvenile detention!!
We don't have a neighborhood watch
but that doesn't mean that you can't
form one of your own with neighbors.
I have everyone that I know looking
for this kid to pull the wrong move
to be able to call police on him.
You cannot go by hear say like this other
child's parents did yesterday.
You need actual proof or be a witness
of something before making accusations!!

I learned that the church almost across
the street from here was vandalized recently.
Someone spray painted the side of
their church van recently and now
they have put up security cameras.

I can't point fingers but I can be suspicious
of activity that has taken place over there
within the last week like trouble maker
and his friends hanging out til midnight
in their parking lot.

My camera is always handy and takes
video.  I'll be holding it even closer
to me now to try to catch this trouble maker kid
in the act or his friends.




One bicycle has been recovered!!!
Jonathan came running in the house
to say he saw this kids bike that
was stolen BUT it had been spray painted
red.  Wasn't a really good job but you could
still see areas of the original color
and decals underneath the red.
Jonathan immediately called this kids
parents and told the mom what he saw
and where the bicycle was.
I wasn't sure if they were even going to
show up so went running behind
and empty house trying to take pictures
of this kid on the stolen bicycle.
The parents did show up and 
there was a lot of people around to the
point that cars could not go down our
side street.
The kid was STILL ON the bicycle!
The dad and mom got out of the truck
and took it from the kid and said
a couple word to him.  They did NOT
call the police!!  I nor the neighbor
can understand why they didn't.
Especially after coming to my home 
yesterday telling me they called the police
on us!!

I came around from the front of my neighbor's house

with my chest puffed out waiting for my moment.
I walked up to the parents and said,
Well let's just say dad didn't hardly
look at me nor acknowledge what I said.
I hope like hell he and his wife
goes home and feels so stupid 
that they made theirselves look like
asses at my house yesterday.

Things couldn't have gone down any
better for us today to make us look
good and not like the bad guy.
Between Jonathan tipping them off
and them showing up with
this other kid on their bike
I couldn't have planned it any
better myself.

Around 7:00pm
Jonathan came inside to say the
a cop car did cruise down
our street checking out bicycles.

After the parents came and got the

stolen bicycle me and my neighbor
chewed out the kid (trouble maker)
 and his friend who was with him
that had the stolen bicycle.
We gave them an earful that were
weren't going to tolerate it in this

I let trouble maker know that I wasn't
playing around and discreetly
(because young children were around)
let him know I knew things about him
they he didn't know I knew.
(boy say that 5 times, lol)
Like I know about him smoking weed
with his friends.  Should've seen the
surprised look on his face.  He said,
How did you know?  I know a lot of
things so don't mess with me or else
the crap will leak out!!!

And hey I must be the only smart detective
in our neighborhood.  The one kid on the stolen
bike said that someone gave him the bicycle.
Well after the parents recovered the red spray painted bike I noticed this on the one kids shorts
that was riding the bike-

Hmmm ,that looks like dried red paint
and it was the same color as the bike!!
I snapped a picture right in front
of him to let him know I was onto him!

Well that is all for now.
Signing off with a big ole happy grin
on my face knowing that the 
one parents know now that they made
asses out of theirselves at my house
yesterday :0)



Was down in the basement doing
laundry and listening to some 80's music
on the radio.  I heard this song
and thought I would wrap the day up with it
because it's how I feel.

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