Well I hope today is a better day.
I need to work on getting things done
around the house. Things kind of got pushed
to the back burner because of all
the stuff that's been going on.
I got beds to change, laundry to do,
one more bedroom to clean then will
work on tidying up the living room
and kitchen.
I had planned on working on more cupcakes
for the contest since it's ending on the 10th
of this month but don't know if I will
have time to get to it.
I just got so much to do and catch up on.
And yesterday I found out that my hubby
goes back on call next Monday.
He was just on call the week before last.
Plus he's been putting in 12 hour days at work.
I hope he gets all the overtime on his check
because this company can get picky and decide
to let you off work instead. But being short
two men you would think that would hurt them
even more.
Today has been quiet so far.
Jonathan was actually back over
at his one friend's house yesterday afternoon
playing with him. They told him they
were sorry but have yet to come tell me
after all the crap they put me through!!
I've spent my afternoon on and off
cleaning bedrooms.
I got 2 loads of laundry in the
washer and dryer and that's as far as
I have gotten.
I've noticed last night that I have an
enlarged lymph node under my armpit.
I've had them before and they've gone away.
I figured it was from stress and/or being
outdoors and sweating more.
It is tender and feels like a marble
under my skin.
Tony has a doctor's appointment in about
an hour then hopefully he can come home
and won't have to return to work.
Might take the kids out for some
ice cream tonight as a treat for such
a muggy and hot day.
The little shower we had didn't
seem to help but make it
feel more humid out.
Well I'm gonna go and change laundry over
and work on getting supper started.
Thinking about having some brats
with some baked beans.
I'm very tired. This evening we went
and looked at a few cars that came
in for Good Guys car show up by
the Continent then took them to McDonalds
for ice cream. I'll post pics tomorrow
as I am waiting on police to arrive!
While we were gone someone stole
Jonathan's bicycle!! I went over to
the neighbor's across the street to tell him
and to my surprise his little girls seen
it happen!! He didn't see it though
since he was inside cleaning house
and his kids were outside playing
in their yard. His two girls has details
of everything!! I finally have not one
but TWO witnesses to stop this freaking
bike stealing around here.
And guess what, trouble maker
was an accomplice!! Along with another
older kid I do not like.
They described these kids to a "T"!
From color of skin, clothes they were wearing,
color of hair, and even one bicycle and color
of it that one was riding.
They even went on to say that trouble maker's
friend couldn't get the gate to open up
so he hopped over it while the other waited
as lookout between our car in the driveway
and gate. She then said trouble make
rode the ones kids bicycle while
the other kid rode off with Jonathan's bike.
I have first names and know where
one of them lives. I would think
that would be enough for police at
the moment along with the testimony
of the two girls.
Ya know what pisses me off the most
is that these kids are doing this right under
everyone's noses making theirselves look
innocent. When we came home it
was after dark. And as we pulled onto our
side street trouble maker and his friend
was right by the intersection of our home.
They even came over to talk to us!
That's when I noticed our back gate was
open half way and asked Jonathan if
he had closed the gate before we left
and he said yes. The trouble maker kid
made a wise crack that I didn't
think nothing of at that moment because
we didn't know the bike was missing.
He said, "why don't you go check your
security camera?"
He probably knows we don't have
one even though I tell everyone we do.
This was before we knew the bicycle had
been stolen. And by the time we realized it
they were long gone. For about a half hour
after getting information from the neighbor's
kids we scoured the neighborhood looking for them.
Couldn't find them.
So I finally decided to call police since
I do know where the one lives.
So I am sitting and waiting on the
police to show up. And since it
is a non emergency call who knows
how long it will be.
It's midnight now. Hopefully I don't
have to stay up half the night waiting on them!
I'll let you know what happens because
I want this crap to stop in our neighborhood!!
Police just called and said they are
very busy and will be out as soon
as they can.
It's now 1:00am exactly.
The police officer just left
and wrote down everything I told
him from descriptions, names and so on.
It doesn't seem that if you have any witnesses
that saw people stealing your property
and know who they were that it gets
you anywhere.
Unless I actually catch them on video
or the police actually catch them in
the act is the only way they can do anything.
I told the cop about telling everyone
I had security cameras when I didn't
to help protect the place because
I can't afford cameras with all
the doctor bills I have to pay at the moment.
He saw my computers and kept recommending
that I get security cameras that can record
back to the computer.
I think this trouble maker doesn't think
I really have cameras and has caught onto
my lie. But I'm going to turn the tables
on trouble maker and make him think
that I still do.
This is what the cop suggested even!
Tomorrow if I see trouble maker
I will say, why did you leave so quickly
last night after we got home?
Were you afraid of what I might
find on the security camera?
Then see what he has to say.
Then after hearing one of his
lies or stories I'll
show him the card I got fromthe police officer with the cops
name and report # along with the
prosecutor's address & phone number. I'll then tell
trouble maker he has one of two options
according to the police-
You either return the bike
no questions asked or
I can press charges against you
and your friend for the theft of our bicycle.
Then see where it goes from there.
The cop was very nice and understanding.
I did find out he was the cop that took
the report for the incident that
happened across the street back on Easter.
So I guess tomorrow I get back out
the VHS camera and start recording
again at night or when we are not home.
I told the cop I could set up a bait
bike to lure them in.
I am still determined to catch
these neighborhood hooligans in the act
somehow, some way!!
No neighborhood deserves to have wild
childs running through them causing
problems for the rest of us!!
Ok it's 1:30am and I'm rambling because
I am very tired and don't even know that
I made sense tonight as I'm am typing away
in the dark because everyone is asleep.
I'm tired of being tired and stressed out.
I'm just so confused right now trying
to understand it all.
I don't understand why they aren't doing
anything to these kids when I have
two people saying they saw them do it!
Now last year when I went to get
my kids from the bus stop a block away
my same neighbor saw 3 kids stealing
a bicycle out of our yard and called
police. They immediately sent out a
2-3 police cars AND a helicopter.
A helicopter, of all things, was
flying low over my house and in our
neighborhood trying to find the people
who stole it.
So why is this incident any different
and why am I'm being told they can't do anything???
I have 2 witnesses who saw them
do it!! These hooligans are going to
keep doing what they are doing
as long as they know they can get
away with it.
In the past month a total of 6
bicycles were stolen within
a block that I know of.
There could be more that I
am not aware of.
This is ridiculous!
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