Trying to make up a grocery list.
Gotta run to Kroger today to get
Tony's prescription.
I'm taking along a bunch of Kroger
coupons that they sent me in the mail.
Along with a few regular coupons.
Hoping to find some mark downs.
I've been trying to build up my coupon
collection. My mom, her friend,
and my aunt has been so kind to give
and send me coupons by mail.
I no longer get the Sunday paper
because I wanted to cut back expenses,
so along with that went the Sunday coupons.
Just because you don't get the paper
to get those coupons you can always
print some off the internet or find them
hanging in stores or ask friends and
neighbors for theirs.
Currently the dispatch is $9.93 a month
for a Sunday paper subscription.
That's almost $120 a year so you see
why I canceled it.
Every little thing you can cut back on
that does not seem like a lot can add up
over a year's time!!
By changing over my cable company
this year from wow to insight is saving me
$480 a year, $40 a month. So by canceling the dispatch
and a new combined cable package I am saving
$600 a year for only those two items!!
I have to schedule Tony a doctor's
appointment this week.
(going to try to get him in with my doctor!)
Our insurance isn't going to allow
us to get anymore prescriptions
like diabetes meds or anything that you
take on an everyday basis
at a local pharmacy. If we do
we have to pay full price.
By July 1st they say we have to
start using mail order prescriptions
to get any discount.
I'm not sure if I'm going to like
that because I like to take care
of things in person rather than
mail or phone.
Now all other prescriptions like
antibiotics we can go to the
pharmacy to get.
My honey made us all breakfast this morning.
He made egg sandwiches with bologna.
I called the bologna on the sandwich
the redneck's version of ham, lol.
In a box of free recipe magazines
I got Friday I found a printed off
version of a book called
Thrifty Meals for Two.
I found one in PDF form
called Recipes and Tips for Healthy, Thrifty Meals
if you would like to read it
and check out the recipes.
Just return home.
Went to Kroger & Walmart.
Found about 5 bags of coupons on my
back door step. I'm sure it was you
Kendra, so thank you BUNCHES!! :0)
Then I wanted to look for some boxes.
Wasn't sure where to look
so started looking behind Olentangy Plaza
with no luck. So then decided to
head over to Olentangy Commons
Apartments to see if anyone had thrown
any away that I could use.
Let's just say I only stopped at
2 dumpsters and filled the truck up.
And that was with finding only ONE box, LMAO!.
Now mind you I had groceries in the back
end as well. I had kids sitting cross legged
because I had to put things in the backseat!
I never expected to happen upon all this stuff
from people moving out.
Magnavox Blue Ray player
Insignia Surround System
with 5 speakers and sub woofer.
(wires included but not shown)
120 Watt Samson sub woofer.
25, yes that TWENTY FIVE 12 pack
(about 300 bottles)
of Amp Energy 100% juice!!!
I found online where they go for
$2.00 a bottle x's 300
is a worth of $600 for all these!!!!!!!!!!!

And a 12 pack of Coca-Cola pop.
Plus we got an under the bed
storage tote with lid, velour lined
soft guitar case, and a small air
compressor that plugs into
a car's lighter outlet.
The adrenaline has gotten the best of
me at the moment!
Now I got groceries to put away, ahhh,
after unloading the truck.
I spent $74 but got lots of stuff
to last for a couple weeks.
Some deals I got with coupons
and mark downs-
Not everything we bought though.
1 pound Driscoll's strawberries for.25 cents!! I got 2 containers of them.
Tic Tacs- FREE
5 count Zyrtec allergy medicine- FREE
House salad with bacon- $1.29
Redi Serve Chicken- .62 cents each
On Cor family entrees- $1.79 each
2 pkgs pork shoulder blade steaks-
$2.39 (1.23 pounds) & $2.55 (1.31 pounds)
Pork shoulder blade roast-
1.89 pounds $3.28.
2 loaves wheat bread .49 cents each
& 1 pkg potato hot dog buns .69 cents
2 boxes Kraft mac n cheese- .59 cents each
1 box Pasta Roni- .59 cents
Still wound up.
Got a pizza thrown in the oven for supper.
Now need to change the laundry over.
I also am washing up all the clothes
I got yesterday for $1.00.
Whew! This saving money
is wearing me out today! LOL!
In the USA Weekend
there is a coupon for
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
$5.00 Kentucky Fried Chicken meals.
How to make a little extra cash with
little to no money up front.
All it requires is gas for your vehicle
and your time.
One way we make a little extra cash,
in desperate times, is to sell some things
that we find during college move out times.
It's 100% profit since
we didn't pay anything for the items.
Between June and September you would
need to cruise the college campus area
and apartments that house college students
looking for items they've thrown away.
You can find items sitting at curbsides
or in front of dumpster areas.
Load them up, bring 'em home,
clean 'em up and test out any electronics
to make sure they are in good working
condition. You want your customers to
come back or get the word out
so don't try to screw them selling
junk items unless you are honest and
tell them up front if something is
wrong with the item.
Honesty is the best policy
and you want to gain the trust of your
I research used prices on the internet
of each item to see what it could go for.
I usually sell items for much less than
that just to make a sale and keep
things moving. People think they are
getting a heck of a deal and I make
a little grocery, gas or bill money.
I used to use a couple classified Yahoo groups
for the Columbus
area but aren't sure if those are still
around because I haven't used them in
awhile. You could always resort
to using Craigslist.
There are many times I don't sell
stuff and give to charities or
people in need when I don't
need that extra cash.
I can't stand to see good things go to waste.
So I donate to friends, family,
& neighbors that are low income families.
I usually gather lists of items needed
from these families and keep an eye
out for what they may need.
I also donate to churches
and one year I took a load
to a place accepting items
for hurricane victims.
This year I am on the lookout for
blankets for a church doing
a blanket drive in the Fall
for homeless families.
So even though we don't make a lot
of money I still find ways to
give back to the community
and areas around the US that
are going through natural disasters.
I sometimes donate food as well
to school food drives and to those
in need.
I have to tell you of these stories that
happened about 4-5 years ago
because God works in mysterious ways!
We didn't have much money and had
just moved to my husbands work which is an apartment complex.
One of our children was just starting school that year we moved. I spent a lot of hours volunteering my time at that school helping out my
child's kindergarten teacher since
it was within walking distance.
They held a food drive and I scraped together
a little box of food to donate to that cause
to help out even though we didn't have
much at that time. I felt some people out
there were worse off than we were.
Boy did I get a surprise one day when
going to the school when the kindergarten
teacher along with arrangements of
the principal gave me a big laundry
basket of food from their food drive!
And then on top of
that they had given me a $20 Kroger
gift card to purchase a turkey since
it was around Thanksgiving time!
We had a really nice Thanksgiving that year
and it was the first time I think where we were
able to invite family to our home to eat.
Even though we got the free food donation
we were still sharing the food with others!
If it wasn't for that donation we would
not have been able to buy a turkey that year.
Another time many years ago
a couple large trash bags appeared on
our front door step with children's clothes
in it for our boys. And I think there may have
been a box of food. It was a long time ago
so I don't remember. It was very needed
because we were struggling LOTS
back then. I still do not know
to this day who donated all the clothes and food
to us as no one ever came forward.
So now I try to give to those
who are struggling like we did way back
when. It's my way of paying the good
deed forward when possible.
$2.39 (1.23 pounds) & $2.55 (1.31 pounds)
Pork shoulder blade roast-
1.89 pounds $3.28.
2 loaves wheat bread .49 cents each
& 1 pkg potato hot dog buns .69 cents
2 boxes Kraft mac n cheese- .59 cents each
1 box Pasta Roni- .59 cents
Still wound up.
Got a pizza thrown in the oven for supper.
Now need to change the laundry over.
I also am washing up all the clothes
I got yesterday for $1.00.
Whew! This saving money
is wearing me out today! LOL!
In the USA Weekend
there is a coupon for
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
$5.00 Kentucky Fried Chicken meals.
How to make a little extra cash with
little to no money up front.
All it requires is gas for your vehicle
and your time.
One way we make a little extra cash,
in desperate times, is to sell some things
that we find during college move out times.
It's 100% profit since
we didn't pay anything for the items.
Between June and September you would
need to cruise the college campus area
and apartments that house college students
looking for items they've thrown away.
You can find items sitting at curbsides
or in front of dumpster areas.
Load them up, bring 'em home,
clean 'em up and test out any electronics
to make sure they are in good working
condition. You want your customers to
come back or get the word out
so don't try to screw them selling
junk items unless you are honest and
tell them up front if something is
wrong with the item.
Honesty is the best policy
and you want to gain the trust of your
I research used prices on the internet
of each item to see what it could go for.
I usually sell items for much less than
that just to make a sale and keep
things moving. People think they are
getting a heck of a deal and I make
a little grocery, gas or bill money.
I used to use a couple classified Yahoo groups
for the Columbus
area but aren't sure if those are still
around because I haven't used them in
awhile. You could always resort
to using Craigslist.
There are many times I don't sell
stuff and give to charities or
people in need when I don't
need that extra cash.
I can't stand to see good things go to waste.
So I donate to friends, family,
& neighbors that are low income families.
I usually gather lists of items needed
from these families and keep an eye
out for what they may need.
I also donate to churches
and one year I took a load
to a place accepting items
for hurricane victims.
This year I am on the lookout for
blankets for a church doing
a blanket drive in the Fall
for homeless families.
So even though we don't make a lot
of money I still find ways to
give back to the community
and areas around the US that
are going through natural disasters.
I sometimes donate food as well
to school food drives and to those
in need.
I have to tell you of these stories that
happened about 4-5 years ago
because God works in mysterious ways!
We didn't have much money and had
just moved to my husbands work which is an apartment complex.
One of our children was just starting school that year we moved. I spent a lot of hours volunteering my time at that school helping out my
child's kindergarten teacher since
it was within walking distance.
They held a food drive and I scraped together
a little box of food to donate to that cause
to help out even though we didn't have
much at that time. I felt some people out
there were worse off than we were.
Boy did I get a surprise one day when
going to the school when the kindergarten
teacher along with arrangements of
the principal gave me a big laundry
basket of food from their food drive!
And then on top of
that they had given me a $20 Kroger
gift card to purchase a turkey since
it was around Thanksgiving time!
We had a really nice Thanksgiving that year
and it was the first time I think where we were
able to invite family to our home to eat.
Even though we got the free food donation
we were still sharing the food with others!
If it wasn't for that donation we would
not have been able to buy a turkey that year.
Another time many years ago
a couple large trash bags appeared on
our front door step with children's clothes
in it for our boys. And I think there may have
been a box of food. It was a long time ago
so I don't remember. It was very needed
because we were struggling LOTS
back then. I still do not know
to this day who donated all the clothes and food
to us as no one ever came forward.
So now I try to give to those
who are struggling like we did way back
when. It's my way of paying the good
deed forward when possible.
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