Here's what I am taking to
the cook out tonight.
Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries.
Oh man don't these look so yummy!
Using a boxed cheesecake mix
make cheesecake filling according to
directions. Put in refrigerator
while cutting strawberries.
Cut one pound of strawberries
in half legthwise.
Using a knife, carefully remove
stems and hollow out some of
the middle of each strawberry.
Remove cheesecake mix from fridge.
Spoon cheesecake filling onto tops
of strawberries.
Pour graham cracker crumbs into
a bowl. Dip the cheesecake tops
into the crumbs.
Melt 1/2 cup chocolate chips
with 1 teaspoon shortening
in a sandwich bag in microwave
for 20-35 seconds.
Snip small corner off bag
and pipe chocolate on top
of graham cracker crumbs.
I'll plate them up on a nicer
serving tray just before leaving this evening.
I think you can find cheesecake mix
and strawberries at Aldi!
Three computers later and I finally
got the new printer to work!
Here's a couple coupons I got printed-

Like Digiorno on Facebook
and print a coupon for
$2.00 off Pizza & wings or
Pizza & cookies or Pizza & breadsticks.
I think not long ago I got one of these
for $5.49 at Kroger. Don't know if they
are still on sale. If so that would
make these $3.49.

you'll be able to print a coupons
for .50 cents off any Driscoll product.
It says no doubling but most coupons
that start with a "5" in the bar code
will double anyway at stores
that double coupons.
I haven't had a chance yet to
go box hunting. But it isn't stopping
me from starting to weed out things.
It's a never ending process around here.
So much needs to be weeded out!
At this point I don't care if it goes
to the trash, thrift store or donation box.
I just want stuff gone!!
I started going through Jonathan's
room cleaning it. I found a padded Nintendo
game case they weren't using at the moment.
I probably spent a quarter for it.
I am now using it to store my
Tom Tom GPS in. I'm so afraid
it's gonna get scratched up in my purse.
It's just temporary though til I find
something cheap at a yard sale to use
then they can have it back for their games.
It was just a thought for GPS storage.
I decided to make up some
macaroni & cheese for the cookout
at the last minute.
I used 2 el cheapo boxes of macaroni
then from there started throwing in
all sorts of leftovers I could find to
jazz it up some.
Instead of mixing milk into
the macaroni & cheese I stirred
in ranch dressing with bacon bits.
I had a few leftover round butter crackers
so squished them up into crumbs
then added about a tablespoon of
ranch dry mix and threw in a handful
of crushed up fried onions from a can
and whatever leftover shredded
cheese I had in the fridge.
Then poured a tablespoon or two of butter
in it all and stirred together.
I then sprinkled this over top
the macaroni and baked til
golden brown in the oven.
I put everything in aluminum baking
pans that way I didn't have to worry
about someone returning my dishes.
I think I picked up about 10 of these
aluminum casserole pans at
a yard sale for a buck!
They actually came with two metal
holders that you could put candles
under to keep stuff warm.
Well I need to go get myself and kids ready.
Tony gets off work in a few minutes
and should be home within the next
half hour.
Let's see if I can get the kids in the
shower before he gets home.
They have no problem standing out in the
pouring down rain
but getting them to take a
shower at times is like pulling teeth, ahhh!
Just returned home from the cookout
in Blacklick.
The rain held off and only spit a few times
while cooking out.
I am so full! You should have
seen the size of these hamburgers
our friend made! They had to of
been 1 pound burgers maybe more!
Let's just say I brought home a doggy bag.
Our friends trying out the
dill pickle extreme pringles we
brought over. These things
will make your face twitch!
I got 3 cans of pringles with
coupons the other day for
.60 cents for all 3.
Randy the burger chef on the grill.
dill pickle extreme pringles we
brought over. These things
will make your face twitch!
I got 3 cans of pringles with
coupons the other day for
.60 cents for all 3.
Randy the burger chef on the grill.
Ok now back tracking a little.
On the way to our friends we had
to stop in Kroger to pick up
some buns. And as we pulled in
we saw a NASCAR trailer in the parking.
Tony said it was from the
Busch Nationwide Series racing.
They had the actual car there as well
by the front doors of the store.
This was the first time the kids has
seen a NASCAR up close like that.
And now backing up to right
before we left the house.
I wanted to show y'all the flowers
that came out today.
Busch Nationwide Series racing.
They had the actual car there as well
by the front doors of the store.
This was the first time the kids has
seen a NASCAR up close like that.
And now backing up to right
before we left the house.
I wanted to show y'all the flowers
that came out today.
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