Indian Lake plans got canceled.
I didn't get much sleep last night
because Tony kept coughing and hacking
really bad. It's been 11 days since his
family doctor visit where the doctor
said he had an upper respiratory infection.
Ok for starters, I don't care for his doctor,
period! I think Tony has bronchitis from
all the symptoms I see. He had trouble catching
his breath quite a few times last night
after having coughing fits to the point
I gave him my inhaler to use. It seemed to help
some because he quit coughing as much
and was able to get some sleep after that.
This was around 1-2am.
I was almost to the point of taking
him to the emergency room but he
didn't want to go. But he agreed to
go to Urgent Care first thing this morning
at 8am when they opened up.
So I'm just sitting here at home
with kids that are asleep waiting
to see what the outcome is.
Breakfast this morning-
cinnamon raisin swirl mini bagels
with leftover cream cheese & powdered
sugar filling from filled strawberries
earlier this week.
I just piped it on the bagels from
the baggie that the filling was in.
Almost like a cinnamon roll
but in bagel form.
Store ads came early this morning
on my front step.
Here's some more deals I see at stores.
12" x 33" tomato cages
or as they call them, plant supports
.50 cents each.
Excellent price! I think the cheapest
I've seen these is at Big Lots for $2.50.
60" x 80" cotton rope hammock $29.99.
Half price sale.
8' x 8' Canopy tent $19.99.
Is not an easy up but a put together
shade tent.
plums .25 cents
nectarines .25 cents
16 ounce strawberries $1.49
cantaloupe .69 cents
on my front step.
Here's some more deals I see at stores.
12" x 33" tomato cages
or as they call them, plant supports
.50 cents each.
Excellent price! I think the cheapest
I've seen these is at Big Lots for $2.50.
60" x 80" cotton rope hammock $29.99.
Half price sale.
8' x 8' Canopy tent $19.99.
Is not an easy up but a put together
shade tent.
plums .25 cents
nectarines .25 cents
16 ounce strawberries $1.49
cantaloupe .69 cents
16 ounce strawberries $1.25
Redi-Serve chicken $1.00
Tony just called.
The doctor at Urgent Care says
he has pneumonia in his left lung.
The exact same thing I have,
pneumonia in my left lung!!
The reason his last go round of
antibiotics didn't work when he went
to the family doctor is because
they weren't strong enough.
Just like me, he's probably had it now
for 11 days before getting the proper treatment.
I am like so done with his family doctor!!
When he went to the family doctor
with cellulitis the doctor said
he had problems with his knee of all things.
I knew better and was pretty sure it
was cellulitis and took him to the
ER and they admitted him for 3 days!
Now he goes to the family doctor
and he said he pretty much had a cold
or upper respiratory infection when
he had pneumonia. That doctor
even gave him a prescription for
nose spray!! Then another time
Tony was seen but by another family
doctor because his doctor was not in.
That doctor said that the other doctor
did not have his prescriptions right.
I don't need to deal with this quack.
Especially when my husband has
diabetes and all that jazz and this doctor
is misdiagnosing him which prolongs
getting the proper treatment and
medication he really needs.
And also, more money to get
a second opinion from another
doctor from another office!!
I need someone who knows what
the hell they are doing.
Not a doctor that came from
another country!!!
It's really starting to piss me off!!!
Anyway, the doctor today gave him
a shot in his hip to get the ball rolling
with better antibiotics. He also
got a stronger antibiotic prescription
and another cough syrup prescription.
With Tony having arthritis in his hips
I am sure that the shot he got today
will affect that making it more difficult
to walk. I know some shots I get like
tetnus makes it feel as though
someone punched me really hard.
I'm just glad I convinced him not to
go to the lake today. The closest hospital
to Indian Lake is in Bellfontaine! Ask me how I know. My father-in-law who lives up there
has a history of strokes.
I don't want to be far from home with
the way he's feeling. If he
really wants to and feels like getting out and
doing something I'd rather it be around here.
Ok I am done rambling for now.
I have not had much sleep
and my nerves are on end at the moment!
Big bucks, no whammy- BAM!
The antibiotic prescription is not
covered much by our insurance
so that one prescription will
cost $100!!
I guess it's better than the original
$400 price sticker!!
That better be some good $h!7!!
Can't wait for this doctor bill
from Urgent Care.
I still have a couple hundred
to pay from the last couple visits
for myself and Christopher!
Tony said they also hooked him
up to a heart moniter to check his heart.
I don't know if they did xrays or not.
Our health comes first no matter what,
but do you feel me cringing at the moment.
My goodness we're probably looking
at close to $4,000 out of pocket expense
for us for doctor bills/prescriptions since November and it's only June! OUCH!
And that's with insurance!!
Oh yeah and we still need to get
Tony's eyes checked and another
pair of glasses in the near future.
We did a little yard saling.
Something that wasn't strenuous for Tony.
But yard saling didn't last long due
to the downpour of rain so we
ended up at the thrift store.
I found my step-dad a few more
things for Father's day.
All tested before buying.
If it's anything electrical I ask
the sellers if I can plug things
in and try them out first.
I've been burned too many times
trusting people's word.
We got my step-dad an electric
weed wacker and lawn edger.
Both Craftsman models.
How much would you pay?
I won't tell you til after
I show you what I got today.
-bunch of plastic bowls with lids.
-brand new glucose meter
with pouch, needles & strips.
Thrift store-
Jonathan a pair of nice
South Pole jeans $1.99.
A microwave chip maker $1.99.
And lastly here is the price for each
of the electric yard tools.
They go for about $10-$25+ used
anywhere else!
I've never seen them as low as $2.00!!
Independence Day Cupcakes

Make cupcakes as usual.
Poke holes into tops with a skewer.
Mix 3 ounces of cherry or strawberry
jello with 1 cup boiling water.
Pour a little jello over each cupcake.
Refrigerate at least 2 hours before
serving to allow time to set up.
3 ounce Jello brand at Meijers
next week on sale .50 cents each.
Gelatin at Walgreens next week .19 cents
You could use Berry Blue Jello instead
of the strawberry jello and use sliced strawberries
on top instead. Strawberries are $1.25
next week at Kroger and are probably
cheaper than blueberries.
Watch for whipped topping
to go on sale for .99 cents.
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