Had Jonathan try on his wedding pants
this morning to discover they don't fit, ahhh!
So that means I'll have to go out
and find a pair for him one day while
he's in school.
You can't go by sizes in the stores.
I took some floral wire, or you could
use string, and went around his waist
and height with the wire.
I'll carry this in my purse to compare
it to pants that I'll look at to
see that I get the right fit.
Damien stopped by to give me a
Mother's Day card and a huge
pot of Hydrangeas.
They are so big I said it
looked like a pot of balloons, lol.
Cards from everyone-
My kids and hubby are getting much
better with Mother's Day gifts.
By that I mean I don't want
flower bouquets that end up thrown out.
I always request plants that come
back every year that I can put in the yard.
I can cherish them every year and
have a story to tell about them.
One year we got pear trees
for our first anniversary at our house.
($1.50 each marked down at Lowes)
My fruit bushes were a Mother's Day gift.
My grape vine was an early
birthday gift.
(Marked down in the Fall at Lowes
to $5.00)
My flowers and Hostas weren't
store bought. They were given by
friends and family.
And any other flowers were planted
from seeds each year that I harvested
from my flowers the year before.
So like I said, all my plants
and flowers have meaning to me.
They are more special than going
to the home improvement store
and just buying some and
planting them just because.
Tony and Jonathan headed out
to change out a fridge in an apartment
on the top floor.
Damien stopped by around 10:30am
and I asked him if he could go
help Tony move these fridges because
of his bad back and feet.
So he headed over to his work to lend a hand.
It's just me and Christopher home
this morning.
Today for supper I will make
Chicken Parmesan.
HERE is a recipe for it.
I plan to use up some leftover
spaghetti sauce and mushrooms.
Maybe throw in some cans
of tomato sauce I found.
My tweaks-
The recipe calls for linguine
and I have angel hair pasta.
It also calls for chicken breasts.
I will be using breaded chicken
I am currently making some
homemade Parmesan Herb Breadsticks
to go with it.
My tweaks-
-I don't have shredded parmesan
so will use mozarella instead.
-Use the regular sprinkle parmesan on tops.
-I don't have wheat flour so
used 3 cups all purpose flour.
-I added 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
to bread mix.
-I also added an additional
tablespoon or two of water
to the mix as I thought the dough
was too thick.
-I use bread machine yeast
in the jar instead of packets.
They make a Kroger brand
for under $3.00 and it goes a long
way. Packets are too expensive
and so is the name brand at
around $8 a jar.
My tip before mixing everything
is to run lukewarm water
into your bread pan so it isn't
so cold when you add ingredients to it.
Here is the bread machine recipe-
Click to enlarge.
It'll be my first recipe made out
of my $1.00 yard sale book :0)I did the 1 1/2 pound recipe for
24 bread sticks.
I then planted a bunch
of Rose Zinnias out in the front
flower bed. These seeds were
from dried flower heads I saved
from last year.
This is what an Enchanted Rose Zinnia looks like-

of Rose Zinnias out in the front
flower bed. These seeds were
from dried flower heads I saved
from last year.
This is what an Enchanted Rose Zinnia looks like-

I also have Candy Cane mix Zinnias
I want to plant soon.
They look like this-
I was going to plant seeds around
the big rock at the end of our driveway
but it looks like a moat at
the moment.
Mom stopped by and gave
me a pretty basket with
lotions, body washes, candles,
lip gloss and body sprays along
with some cook books for
Mother's Day.
Took the dough out of the bread machine
and started rolling out into
bread sticks.
They are now resting and rising
Bread sticks just out of the oven.
There's nothing like the smell
of fresh baked bread wafting through the house!
Right before serving these
I'll brush them with some melted
butter mixed with garlic powder
and another dusting of parmesan cheese.

I want to plant soon.
They look like this-

I was going to plant seeds around
the big rock at the end of our driveway
but it looks like a moat at
the moment.
Mom stopped by and gave
me a pretty basket with
lotions, body washes, candles,
lip gloss and body sprays along
with some cook books for
Mother's Day.
Took the dough out of the bread machine
and started rolling out into
bread sticks.
They are now resting and rising
Bread sticks just out of the oven.
There's nothing like the smell
of fresh baked bread wafting through the house!
Right before serving these
I'll brush them with some melted
butter mixed with garlic powder
and another dusting of parmesan cheese.
I got a few veggie seeds planted today.
I planted green pole beans,
yellow wax beans and lima beans
in flower boxes.
I also have yellow onions sprouting
in a flower basket and I planted
scallions in another basket.
I forgot to plant my cilantro
so that will be another day.
I'm planting cilantro to
make salsa.
Since pole beans need a trellis
to climb upon I came up with this idea.
I hammered a nail several times
through the long side of the
flower box making small holes.
I then ran thin wire through
each hole and up to the top of
the fence around every other fence board.
I got the raspberry and blueberry
plants planted.
I put the raspberry in the corner
area of the fence. I then
ran tow rows of wire from
fence post to fence post
for the trellis support.
The blueberry plants I planted
along the back of the fence.
One each in front of
an 8 foot fence panel.
They'll get to be around 5 feet tall
and 5-8 feet wide.
About the same for the raspberry.
In this photo you can see where
everything is planted.
The red arrow is raspberry.
The blue arrows are blueberries.
The grapevine, not seen in photo,
is about 4 fence panels to the left
of the raspberry.
Over time I'd like to have fruit bushes
along the entire back fence.
Still looking for a blackberry
and I'm not sure what other
options of fruit bushes stores
may have.
As you can tell I am getting
excited with gardening
with some of the planting I've doing today, lol.
It was such a nice day today
and no rain!!
As long as the weather permits
and we aren't busy doing things
we've decided to start taking
walks every evening to
get more exercise.
This evening before
dark we walked a couple blocks.
Been couped up too long this Winter
and rainy Spring. Time to get
out and stretch the legs!
We're still looking for a small
vehicle good on gas.
The guy with the Toyota
never contacted me back- GRRRR!
Why do people do that crap???
He asked me for a time this
weekend. I wrote back with
a time and our phone number.
Never heard another peep from
Oh well it just wasn't meant to be.
So moving on to find another
one. Not easy. Small cars
that used to be worth about $900 or less
are going for about $2000 at the moment.
And, get this, they have high mileage
from 150,000 to well over 200,000 miles
at that price and aren't the prettiest
with rust and dents.
Is that crazy crap or what?
I research any car we look at.
Especially when it comes
to the MPG.
Here is a good site to use
when looking at cars
to see what they average
for city mpg and highway mpg
and a combination of both.
I looked up our Suburban
and it says 12 miles per gallon!!
Our Lexus gets 16.
Not the greatest!
We need something in the
range of at the least 25
to 30 miles per gallon.
More is better though :0)
Some cars will surprise you
when you look them up!
I was amazed to learn that
a 1996-1999
(maybe more years as that's as
far as I looked up)
Explorer 6 cylinder 4x4 automatic
has pretty much the same gas mileage
as our 1999 suburban 4x4 v8 automatic!!
12-13mpg city
17-19 highway
Don't make sense but ya'll
can look it up to see for yourself.
I'd really love to find a Geo Metro.
They get 38-43 city
and 44-52 highway.
I'd really love to find a Geo Metro.
They get 38-43 city
and 44-52 highway.
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