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Friday, May 27, 2011



Been running around town
with my honey all day.
He has today off for Memorial Day
instead of Monday.

Of course we went to our favorite
place to eat breakfast this morning-

From there we had to go to Uptown
Westerville to our insurance office.
Then from there went to 
a yard sale further North on
Old 3C in Delaware county.  
I found one thing while
Tony found 3.  Didn't see any other yard
sales after that :0(

Since I got Christopher a 
5 VHS set about trains for Christmas
I found Jonathan this 5 VHS set
about baseball.  I paid $2.00 for the set.

Tony found these items-

4 switch plates
$1.00 for the 2 double switch plates.
.50 cents for 2 single plates.
2 new looking outdoor cushions $1.00 for both.
We needed new ones for our swing.

And a bird bath for $1.00.
We put the one we have in the
front yard and now Tony
would like to have
one in the backyard.

From Delaware we went out
to Reynoldsburg to the transmission
shop where Tony's friend works.
He put the car on 2 different scanners.
It wouldn't scan for some reason
so there was a wasted trip.

From Reynoldsburg we cruised
over to Grove Port and walked
around the junk yard.
Stopped in a convenience
store for something to drink
and found these coupons-

Had to stop in Kroger before
coming home.
Home at 2:45pm.

And tonight we're heading back over to
Grove Port to go to Tony's
friend's house so he can see
what kind of work he wants
done on his house.

So when we're out and about 
again this evening we'll stop in Speedway.  
Today is free pizza slice day!
It is today only!
So for 4 slices pizza
and 4 Sunkist 20 ounce diet pops
with coupons should run
around $2.50 for all.

I'm tired of all this running
that's for sure!
And I'm sure there's no sleeping
in tomorrow since the kids
want to go to a few yard sales
tomorrow morning.

Still feel like my head's in a vice
and coughing like crazy.
There is some progress.
My head seems like it is starting
to try and drain some.
If I could get rid of this cough
I'd feel so much better.\
Let me just say that coughing
with weak bladder muscles
don't combine!
It's been 10 days now.
Tony keeps telling me he wants
to take me to Urgent Care and I just
cringe at the thought of any more
doctor bills.


V8 V-Fusion Tea Beverage Printable Coupon

100% fruit juices are getting expensive
and go rather quickly when you have
a large family of 4 or more.
Here is a way to stretch your fruit juice
and cut down on calories as well-
Tea is pretty inexpensive when you catch
sales and use coupons.  
Make up a batch of tea.
Either mix 1/2 tea & 1/2 fruit juice
or 3/4 tea & 1/4 fruit juice ratio

Tea has health benefits as well.
Tea has antioxidants,
and possibly antibiotic possessions
with different varieties.
So when you combine both
juice and tea you are stretching
your budget and getting more
health benefits from it!

v8 fusion with tea- about $3.50 
for 46 ounce bottle.
around .07+ cents per ounce.

compared to-

64 ounce 100% bottled juice on sale- $2.50
tea bags to make one pitcher- .16 cents
combine 1/2 tea & 1/2 juice into
two different containers.
Makes a total of 128 ounces.
Total cost- $2.66
or $1.33 per 64 ounce container!
.02+ cents per ounce!

You will have made 3x's+ the amount
of fruit juice and tea compared to
the one bottle of v8 Fusion!

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