Time to turn the air condition on today.
It's supposed to be 90 today
and 92 Monday and Tuesday.
Woke up this morning with another
one of my coughing fits to the point
of getting sick. I stared taking my
prescription meds last night and I'm supposed
to take the Mucinex in the morning
which I did already.
It don't take much to trigger a coughing
attack. It could be from talking too loud,
laughing or eating foods that are spicy
and I don't mean something hot, if it
has seasonings of any sort and it
hits the back of my throat, that's all she wrote.
Actually this morning it's none of the above.
It just feels like phlegm sitting in the
back of my throat and I can't get it
coughed up, not to sound gross.
This morning Tony's taking the boys
to go see Fast Five at Easton.
I was supposed to go but don't
think it would be in my best interest at
the moment.
Why is it the last three times we've wanted
to go see a movie in the theater someone
has had a cough. All three times
we've had to make different arrangements
like renting it from the store and bringing
it home to watch. Unfortunately this movie
is in the theater only at the moment.
That's ok. I'll sit home this morning
and work on some cupcakes for
the cupcake contest. I have three
ideas I want to make and will show y'all
once done and submitted.
And since Tony has to work tomorrow
we'll be having a cook out today.
Found some marked down cheddar
& bacon hamburgers at Kroger yesterday
to put on the grill. Will make some
homemade potato salad and macaroni
& cheese to go with it.
For desert I'm making strawberry cupcakes.
And for drinks I got some frozen
canned lemonade and a package of
strawberries. I want to make something
similar to McDonalds frozen
strawberry lemonade.

Here's a recipe for it-
Place the strawberries and 1/3 cup of sugar in the blender with 1/2 cup of ice and 1/2 cup of water. Blend until pureed. Pour into the bottom of 4 glasses. Rinse out blender.
Then I plan to add a can of frozen
lemonade with some ice and water
to the blender. Pour over top of
the strawberry puree in glass.
Stir slightly to swirl the lemonade
and strawberries together.
I think at the moment a small
strawberry lemonade at McDonalds
is $1.99 each x's 4 is $7.96
To make 4 homemade ones-
can of frozen lemonade- $1.59
pound of strawberries- $1.99
Total cost- $3.58 or
.58 to .89 cents each.
I haven't made it yet so I don't know
exactly how many servings I'll get.
I guessed 4-6 servings.
Could be much cheaper if you catch
strawberries and lemonade on sale.
I made the strawberry- lemonade freeze.
I think you could get about 9 servings
out of a pound of strawberries and
a can of lemonade.
I made 3 servings with 1/3 of the
strawberries and 1/3 can of lemonade.
I added some Splenda sweetener
to the lemonade when I mixed
it up in the blender because I thought
it was too tart.
You could probably use Splenda
in with the strawberries as
well to cut down on sugar and calories.
I've sugared strawberries before
with Splenda and it came out just as good
as using sugar.
At .42 cents a serving, I think I
would skip getting any at McDonalds
at continue making my own!
How much snot can come out
of ones body???!!!
I keep blowing my nose.
It's not running but after taking
Mucinex it has loosened it up in
my sinuses. I just want it out and gone!!
Everyone keeps asking if I feel better today.
I have had only one go round of medicine
in me so no I don't feel any different
than the last 12 days. Today is day 13.
I've had lots of wheezing and difficulty
breathing at times. I did do my
inhaler once this evening after
being out in the heat trimming our
tree our front.
And I did get about three loads of
laundry done today. That included
hanging them on the line to dry.
It is so irritating having pneumonia.
I know I am supposed to rest but I
get too fidgety if I sit or lay down too long.
I did take a nap for about an hour if that.
I did make supper tonight of
hamburgers on the George Foreman
instead of the grill in the heat.
And corn on the cob and homemade
potato salad.
Well I'm going to take my second
go round of antibiotics
and a tussicap pill.
Those pills will make you dizzy/sleepy
so best if I head to bed soon.
I think you could get about 9 servings
out of a pound of strawberries and
a can of lemonade.
I made 3 servings with 1/3 of the
strawberries and 1/3 can of lemonade.
I added some Splenda sweetener
to the lemonade when I mixed
it up in the blender because I thought
it was too tart.
You could probably use Splenda
in with the strawberries as
well to cut down on sugar and calories.
I've sugared strawberries before
with Splenda and it came out just as good
as using sugar.
At .42 cents a serving, I think I
would skip getting any at McDonalds
at continue making my own!
How much snot can come out
of ones body???!!!
I keep blowing my nose.
It's not running but after taking
Mucinex it has loosened it up in
my sinuses. I just want it out and gone!!
Everyone keeps asking if I feel better today.
I have had only one go round of medicine
in me so no I don't feel any different
than the last 12 days. Today is day 13.
I've had lots of wheezing and difficulty
breathing at times. I did do my
inhaler once this evening after
being out in the heat trimming our
tree our front.
And I did get about three loads of
laundry done today. That included
hanging them on the line to dry.
It is so irritating having pneumonia.
I know I am supposed to rest but I
get too fidgety if I sit or lay down too long.
I did take a nap for about an hour if that.
I did make supper tonight of
hamburgers on the George Foreman
instead of the grill in the heat.
And corn on the cob and homemade
potato salad.
Well I'm going to take my second
go round of antibiotics
and a tussicap pill.
Those pills will make you dizzy/sleepy
so best if I head to bed soon.
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