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Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Have y'all heard of

They are cupcakes made with
a devil's food cake mix
and are topped with cream
cheese and chocolate chips.
Well that's the way I make
them- using a shortcut with
a cake mix.
Ooh so good!

Anyway today I saw that I had a can
of blueberry pie filling in the pantry.
So the creative juices got to flowing
with what I could make with some
blueberries.  I decided to try my own
recipe at making what I'll call-
Blue Bottom Muffins.
I love cream cheese and thought
that if I paired that with the blueberries
it would make a yummy breakfast

So here's my recipe,

Blue Bottom Muffins

2 cups Bisquick or baking mix
2 Tablespoon vegetable oil
3/4 cup blueberries or blueberry pie filling
2/3 cup milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg

Beat egg in bowl, then add
the rest of the ingredients
except blueberries, and mix well.
Gently fold in the blueberries.
I think next time I'll cheat
and use either a cake
or Jiffy muffin mix to make these :0)
If using a muffin mix then I would
recommend using a couple boxes.

8 ounce cream cheese
1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice

Beat together in small bowl with mixer.  

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line muffin tin with 12 cupcake wrappers.

Fill each cup about 3/4th the way full.
Then add a dollop of about a tablespoon
of cream cheese on top.

Bake 15-18 minutes.

Going into oven
Fresh out of the oven.
Breakfast is served.



I finally got around to planting
my banana pepper plants.

Sure hope the rain starts to taper
off from raining so much.
My garden plants love the sun
and weren't liking all that rain.
Tomato plants don't like wet leaves.
I have one cherry tomato plant that looks like
it is diseased from all the rain we've had.
Luckily it is one on the end and I
may be able to pull it up
and it not affect the rest. 
When watering tomato plants
always water them at the base of the plant
trying not to get their leaves wet.
A little rain won't hurt them 
as their leaves should dry quickly.
But when you have day after day of
constant down pours then it's
hard to keep control of the plants.
I'd try to put a milk jug over the plants
but I think they are too big for that.

Garden progress-

Concord Grape

Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato

Early Girl Tomatoes

2 flower boxes of Banana Peppers

Garden Bean- Yellow Wax

Pole Beans-
they are tall enough now that
I started leaning them towards
the wire trellis.
Check out this clover I found in our yard.



Yesterday I kept hearing dump
truck after dump truck passing by
our house.  Now today they put
up a road closed sign on our side street.

Our streets aren't the greatest with
many filled in potholes year after year.
They don't seem to want to repave it.
It's bad enough we see many buses 
use these streets from a school about 2 blocks
away.  But now I worry about
all these heavy dump trucks
and what they are doing to our road
that is already crumbling.

You know what's weird is that 
one street over where they are digging 
and working on putting in some kind
of underground pipes, well they
just completely repaved that road not
long ago and now are digging it up
along the sides!
There's your tax dollars at work.
Why couldn't we have done the pipe
work before paving the road!

And I worry about kids that play on
these streets that now have
to share them with dump trucks
of all things and I ain't talking
about the toy kind.

These dump trucks are coming down
our street, turning down the street to the side of
our house, stopping and then backing
all the way down the side street to the 
other street.  Then once full of dirt
come past here a second time.

Here's a scary thought.
See the picture below,
well that's our bus stop
for about 7 kids.

Good thing we won't be home this
evening for me to worry about
kids and dump trucks.

Tonight we're heading to Grove Port
around Ricart to a friend's house,
well Tony's friend anyway.
He works in a transmission shop out
in Reynoldsburg and has access
to a scanner to use on cars to diagnose
any problems with them.

This is not your little scanner that
Auto Zone uses, more like
one that is $1,000 or more.

It would run you about $100 to have
your car put on a scanner at a shop.
We're getting a diagnostic scan for
free on our car.  

Talking about Auto Zone or an auto
parts store that will run free scans on
your vehicle.  Why is it every dang time
we take a car there and have them
hook up their scanner to it
do they ALWAYS tell us we
need an oxygen sensor???!!!

We took this newest car there
right after buying it, like drove it out off
the car lot and over to Advance Auto.
I told Tony, how much you wanna bet
the scan says the car needs an oxygen sensor.
Sure enough that was the first words
out of the auto parts store's salesman's

If anyone has had a scan done where
they didn't tell you, you needed an
oxygen sensor I would love to hear
about it because it would be a first.

Something seems fishy!



And I though my head was getting better, ahhhh!

Anyone need another reason to not use
Wow internet-phone-cable??

I got another bill today for $257.00!!

They charged me for April 21- May 21.
And then charged me for May 21 - June 21!!
And then threw in a $5.00 late fee.

I am so pissed it's not funny.
I talked to them THREE times
on the phone to cancel my services
last month on April 21st
and visited their office in person 
April 22-23rd to return
all the equipment!!!

Now tell me how am I charged for
these services when I have no cable
boxes or modems for those services???

I don't know who runs the customer
service and billing for all these
places but they sure don't have it together.

I have plans to go directly to
Wow's office tomorrow to get it straightened out.
I'm not dilly dallying around
talking to someone on the phone.
I want someone in person!!


The car getting scanned got canceled
til tomorrow evening.



A couple items my honey
found at work today.

Pole lamp with swivel head.

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