The Weather Channel said it was
supposed to be 85 degrees today.
I might hang my clotheslines outside
today. With all the rain we've been
having I haven't had a chance to
do that yet.
With a family of 4 I sometimes have
run out of clothesline when hanging
up clothes to dry so came up with
this idea to hang everything on
hangers last year to get more
out of my clothesline space.
Plus once dry all I have to do is remove
from the line and hang up.
Now I will have a regular line
that I'll use for undies, socks, towels,
blankets, sheets and so on.
The other one is just for
clothes that are hung in the
Once I know the weather has turned
for the better and isn't so cold
some days, then I'll rotate the closets.
Meaning I'll take the Winter
clothes and put in totes under beds
or hang them up on a rod I have
in the basement to store clothes on.
We had a bicycle stolen off the carport
last night around 11:00pm.
Yes we were home, yes we were awake,
yes the gate was closed, and yes
the two very bright 100 watt
flourescent porch lights were on.
Tony went outside and found the
gate ajar and a bike gone.
So it doesn't matter if you're home
or not and have taken some precautions.
If they want something they'll
come and get it.
We have some suspects
but no proof. We also have told kids
in the neighborhood there is a $20 rewardf
if found. We are taking
it one step further though.
Since last night I started running
a video camera.
I'm not rich enough for security cameras
at the moment and I don't have a
fancy digital video camera,
other than what's on my picture
camera. So my next idea was
to get out our old vhs video camera
and set it up. So that's what I did
last night and will probably have
to do every night during the warmer months.
To use these kind of cameras I like
to make sure when video taping
for the night that it's on SEP,
which means slow extended play.
This way you can video tape for
up to 6 hours. Any faster speeds like
EP or regular, you only get
2-4 hours worth.
I also have an electrical plug
that I use with it because the battery
has been long dead in it.
So you thought that those old video
cameras and VHS tapes were out of date.
I do not know what happened to
the rest of the blog for today.
It up and disappeared after posting!!
I get this problem all the time with blogger.
I get tired of retyping things at times.
So I probably won't do anymore blogging
for today. Check back tomorrow.
I don't feel well so I don't have
the patience for this at the moment.
I do not know what happened to
the rest of the blog for today.
It up and disappeared after posting!!
I get this problem all the time with blogger.
I get tired of retyping things at times.
So I probably won't do anymore blogging
for today. Check back tomorrow.
I don't feel well so I don't have
the patience for this at the moment.
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