It's been a long hot and tiring day.
I can't complain, at least it wasn't raining.
This morning me and mom hit the
thrift store. I got Jonathan an outfit
for the wedding. I just tried them on
an everything fits, Woo Hoo!
I don't even think there's a need to
hem the pants. Whew!
Pants were .49 cents half price.
Shirt was $1.99.
I also picked up Christopher
some more polo type shirts.
I've been noticing lately that
his shirt have stains down
the front of them so he
needed a few. The stained
shirts now become play shirts.
3 polo shirts .99 cents each.
Tony got off work today around
noon due to too much overtime he has
So we used that time wisely
to go car shopping with kids
in school.
We did find a couple cars
at one car lot we liked.
So when the kids got off the bus
we headed back to that car lot
to give the kids a trial run in
both of them in the backseats.
Gotta make sure they have enough
room and are comfortable.
Well everyone voted after
two test drives of two extremely
different cars.
One was a 1996 Geo Prizm
and the other a 2001 Dodge Stratus RT.
Which one do you think my hubby
and kids picked??!!
The Stratus.
The interior looked brand new
and the motor was really quiet sounding.
The outside has a couple flaws
but I can overlook that as long as
everything else, like the motor
and electrical things worked, especially
the cold air condition. Wasn't
getting a car without AC!
The car needs another battery
so tomorrow we go and do
the paper work and all that jazz
to give them time to get the new battery
and put it in as it was nearing closing time
when we were there.
We will be trading in our Lexus
for the Dodge.
The good thing-
They gave us the same amount
that we paid for the Lexus for
trade in!
Actually they wanted us to pay
$1400 more on top of our trade
for this car and we started to give
the keys back and tell him that
we cannot do the price they wanted.
We told them what we had to spend
and if they couldn't do that we
were walking. It took a little while
but they came down another $650
off that price to only $750 extra.
I saw the car advertised online
after we got home. It was $45 less
than what they told me. I think
I will haggle them when we go
do paperwork for that $45
since they told me the wrong price.
Hey $45 to me is a lot.
It could mean a trip to the grocery store!
They also included the tax and
title into everything.
The good thing-
They gave us the same amount
that we paid for the Lexus for
trade in!
Actually they wanted us to pay
$1400 more on top of our trade
for this car and we started to give
the keys back and tell him that
we cannot do the price they wanted.
We told them what we had to spend
and if they couldn't do that we
were walking. It took a little while
but they came down another $650
off that price to only $750 extra.
I saw the car advertised online
after we got home. It was $45 less
than what they told me. I think
I will haggle them when we go
do paperwork for that $45
since they told me the wrong price.
Hey $45 to me is a lot.
It could mean a trip to the grocery store!
They also included the tax and
title into everything.
It will be paid for.
NO payments!
Sometimes you gotta fall a few times
before climbing to the top of the ladder.
It took two cars to get to this point!
Being screwed with a 2001 Tracker
that was sold to us by a private owner
that ended up smoking worse than a freight train
with an engine that was about ready to blow
to trading it in for the Lexus only to get
screwed again by getting a salvage title
and a car with a dashboard readout
(speedometer, odometer, rpms)
that works when it wanted to,
to trading the Lexus in on this Dodge.
I am hoping and praying that the
third time is a charm.
Yes I am extremely tired at the moment
and sooo stressed, that you wouldn't understand,
about buying another car
with the way our luck's been going.
Here is the Stratus that I found
online last night.
Click HERE to see more photos.
Yes it has a little dinger on the
front quarter panel which I don't
care as long as it runs and drives
really good!! It'll put us free
and clear of having a car
with a salvage title!!
I have learned a couple things from
this car shopping experience.
American cars now seem to
be a foreign car underneath with an
American body style.
A Geo Prizm is pretty much
the same as a Toyota Corolla. It has a
Toyota motor in it.
A Dodge Stratus is pretty much the
same as a Mistubishi Eclipse. It has
a Mitsubishi motor in it.
A newer Geo now has the Chevrolet logo on it.
A Geo Tracker is pretty much
a Suzuki Sidekick with a
Suzuki motor.
A side by side comparison-
A 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse
with a 2001 Dodge Stratus.
Eclipse dashboard.
A Stratus dashboard
Eclipse motor
Stratus motor
And the Dodge Stratus we're getting-
NO payments!
Sometimes you gotta fall a few times
before climbing to the top of the ladder.
It took two cars to get to this point!
Being screwed with a 2001 Tracker
that was sold to us by a private owner
that ended up smoking worse than a freight train
with an engine that was about ready to blow
to trading it in for the Lexus only to get
screwed again by getting a salvage title
and a car with a dashboard readout
(speedometer, odometer, rpms)
that works when it wanted to,
to trading the Lexus in on this Dodge.
I am hoping and praying that the
third time is a charm.
Yes I am extremely tired at the moment
and sooo stressed, that you wouldn't understand,
about buying another car
with the way our luck's been going.
Here is the Stratus that I found
online last night.
Click HERE to see more photos.
Yes it has a little dinger on the
front quarter panel which I don't
care as long as it runs and drives
really good!! It'll put us free
and clear of having a car
with a salvage title!!
I have learned a couple things from
this car shopping experience.
American cars now seem to
be a foreign car underneath with an
American body style.
A Geo Prizm is pretty much
the same as a Toyota Corolla. It has a
Toyota motor in it.
A Dodge Stratus is pretty much the
same as a Mistubishi Eclipse. It has
a Mitsubishi motor in it.
A newer Geo now has the Chevrolet logo on it.
A Geo Tracker is pretty much
a Suzuki Sidekick with a
Suzuki motor.
A side by side comparison-
A 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse
with a 2001 Dodge Stratus.
Eclipse dashboard.
A Stratus dashboard
Eclipse motor
Stratus motor

And the Dodge Stratus we're getting-

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