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Monday, May 2, 2011



Mom called this morning to say
they had just woke up and looked out
their window to see just up the street
about 7 cop cars including a sheriff
blocking off the street.  In the middle
of the street they were patting down someone.
Here lately we've been seeing
a lot of emergency or police vehicles
in our area.  Our truck driver neighbor
who is usually coming home from
a run around 7am is stuck at the end
of the street with his semi because
they have the road blocked off.



Truck driver neighbor said the
cops said they think they finally
caught the person that's been
breaking into cars and stealing
people's stuff.  News to me as I haven't
heard of any break ins recently.
Still not feeling any safer.  Where there's one
there's many more to follow.
I wouldn't be surprised if criminals
start siphoning gas out of vehicles.

Well it's time to start doing all
the bills, yeah me.  I sure wish
Tony's bonus would come.
They were supposed to of gotten
it weeks ago but because of a glitch
in the companies computers
it got delayed.  I was wanting
to pay off my bills from the ER.
And pay off any lingering regular doctor bills.
Tony's hospital bill is on a payment
plan supposedly as I arranged it on the
phone a couple weeks ago but have
yet to get any information about it
in the mail.


So this morning I was in a crafty mood.
Y'all saw where I purchase a bunch
of lace from the flea market this
past weekend.  I had a plan 
of what I wanted to use some of it for.
So I played fashion designer, lol.
I've got a large tote of jeans in the basement
that was left behind in an empty
apartment at my honey's work.
I like being unique and coming
up with my own designs for most
things.  So this large tote of jeans
will be my canvas to see what I 
can create with them.

Jeans- free
spray paint- about 1/4 can (if that)- .12 cents
lace- .25 cents

buzz from paint fumes- free- lol

My pair of .37 cent designer jeans-
Go easy on me as these were
only the first pair I've ever done.



Started working on my soups.
Skimmed off any fat off
the top of the soup base then
pureed it in the food processor.
Next I divided it up among two pots.

In one pot I added a large jar of
mixed beans along with
half of the leftover ham cut up.

In the other pot I added a chunk
of Velveeta cheese
and the other half of the leftover ham. 

Then in yet another pot I peeled 
and chopped up some potatoes.
Once done they will go into
the velveeta soup pot for
ham & potato soup.


We went though a jar of
banana peppers this weekend.
I saved the juice to add it to 
some more pickled eggs I'll make
in the near future.  I think it
would give them a good taste.



Finished making the cheesy
potato & ham soup.
I had about 1/4 box of instant
mashed potato flakes, not enough
for a meal.  I added that to the potato
soup to thicken it.

I only used half of the potatoes
I boiled up for the potato soup.
The other half I added some sour cream,
butter, salt and garlic powder
along with the rest of the instant
potato flakes & a little water and whipped together.

These mashed potatoes can
be served with my bacon wrapped
chicken breasts later this week.

Well all is quiet and it appears
to be a yucky looking day outside.
A great time for a nap!



My honey just got home from work.
He's got the pager this week.

He dived an Easter Lily today for me.
He said it looked so sad that someone
had thrown it away so he had
to rescue it.

Easter Lilies can be planted outside
in the garden so to throw it out
seem like such a waste.
Why not enjoy it's beauty 
every year?

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