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Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Feeling a little better today.
That's the first improvement I think
I've had in a little over two weeks!
I got another cupcake made this morning.

Well I'm getting ready to head outside
and take laundry off the line.
I've got one more load of whites
to hang up then I'm done for the week.
I think I did about 6 loads.

It's supposed to be another hot
one today and it's not even Summer yet!
The kids have field day today at school.
They have no air condition
and the activities take place
out on a blacktop playground!
I made sure to dress them in cotton,
light colored t-shirts and had
them each take water bottles with them.



Here's another cupcake I'm working on
and still tweaking.
The Mouse Takes the Cheese.
Ever try making a mouse out of
an itty bitty jelly bean?  Not easy!

Laundry taken off line and hung up.
The whites hung up and drying.
2 cupcakes made.
I think it's nap time!


Free coupon for 5 count Zyrtec
in 4-6 weeks.
Answer yes for allergies
then Allegra for allergy medicine you've used.


Pryor was ticketed in another loaner vehicle.  The vehicle was from Auto Direct, according to Kniffin, even though Pryor had never bought a car there.

More than two years later, 10 Investigates found the same Auto Direct dealer number that was on Pryor's traffic tickets was on the license plate of the Dodge Challenger that Pryor was driving in the spring.
News story seen this morning
about a football player using
cars from Auto Direct's car lot.
Of all places this was where we
just purchased our newest car.
See video below.

Ohio State, NCAA Open Investigation Into Terrelle Pryor



Monday, May 30, 2011



Breaking news!
OSU football coach Jim Tressel resigns!

Still working on laundry today.
I got a little behind in the last couple
of weeks with not feeling the greatest.
I'd do just enough to get by.
Yesterday I got 3 loads done.
I'll probably get another 3-4 loads
done today as well.
That's if I can survive bringing up
heavy baskets of wet clothes from the
basement and hanging them on
the clothesline in the 90 degree
heat to dry.  It gets a little tough
at times with pneumonia,
breathing,  congestion and all that jazz.
 But in this kind of weather
the clothes dry in no time!

Here is my clothesline this morning.
I have two lines ran.  Then another
one across the side of the carport.
This line is used for the clothes
that are done and ready
to be put away.
I use this little table to put my 
laundry baskets or totes on so
I don't have to bend to the ground
to grab clothes to hang up.
It saves on the back.
This little table used to be a plastic outside
chair.  The back of it broke so I took it
off and now use the base for laundry
or as a outside side table.

Here's what the chair used to 
look like before converting to a table.
Reuse and recycle when possible
to save money! 
The chair and table set was something
I found at my honey's work.

Bistro Set - Green


Got a batch of strawberry cupcakes
in the oven.  I didn't get them made
yesterday as planned.  I want to work
on some more cupcakes for the contest.

I am using my silicone cupcake pan
for the first time along side a regular 
cupcake pan.
They make the silicone bakeware look so easy to use on tv.
I'll let you know if it's as
easy as they make it out to be.



Well the cupcake pan results are in.
I sprayed both silicone and metal
cupcake pan with cooking spray
before filling with cupcake batter.

I was able to remove the cupcakes
from the metal pan with no problems.

The cupcakes stuck in

the silicone cupcake pan
and broke apart when trying
to remove!



I got two cupcakes made and
submitted to the Jelly Belly Cupcake Contest.




So far it hasn't been a good evening.
I sure as heck didn't feel like cooking
so we all went to Taco Bell.
I don't know what went wrong
with my eating tonight whether it
was where food gets stuck in my throat
and I have a hard time swallowing
or whether I was having an upset stomach.
I got sick 3 times at Taco Bell
and another when we pulled up to 
the house.  I couldn't even wait
to get out of the car and up to the house.
I flew open the car door once we parked.
Needless to say no kids got out
on my side of the car, lol.
It was all I could do to hold it back from
Taco Bell to home!
Sorry to be gross but this is how my evening
has went.
Two weeks of this crap is too long.
Tonight before bed will be my third
dose of antibiotics.  7 more days
of antibiotics to go.

Just took my temp under the arm
with a digital thermometer.
The thermometer says 99.8 degrees.
So whether you add 1 or 2 degrees
to an armpit reading
it makes my temp 100.8 or 101.8.

I knew I had a temperature when
I grabbed a sweater because I was chilled.

I think I'm gonna grab some ibuprofen
and go lay down then get back up
in an hour to take my prescription meds.

Sunday, May 29, 2011



Time to turn the air condition on today.
It's supposed to be 90 today
and 92 Monday and Tuesday.
Woke up this morning with another
one of my coughing fits to the point
of getting sick.  I stared taking my
prescription meds last night and I'm supposed
to take the Mucinex in the morning
which I did already.
It don't take much to trigger a coughing 
attack.  It could be from talking too loud,
laughing or eating foods that are spicy
and I don't mean something hot, if it
has seasonings of any sort and it
hits the back of my throat, that's all she wrote.
Actually this morning it's none of the above.
It just feels like phlegm sitting in the
back of my throat and I can't get it
coughed up, not to sound gross.


This morning Tony's taking the boys
to go see Fast Five at Easton.
I was supposed to go but don't
think it would be in my best interest at
the moment.

Why is it the last three times we've wanted
to go see a movie in the theater someone
has had a cough.  All three times
we've had to make different arrangements
like renting it from the store and bringing
it home to watch.  Unfortunately this movie
is in the theater only at the moment.

That's ok.  I'll sit home this morning
and work on some cupcakes for
the cupcake contest.  I have three
ideas I want to make and will show y'all
once done and submitted.

And since Tony has to work tomorrow
we'll be having a cook out today.
Found some marked down cheddar
& bacon hamburgers at Kroger yesterday
to put on the grill.  Will make some
homemade potato salad and macaroni
& cheese to go with it.
For desert I'm making strawberry cupcakes.
And for drinks I got some frozen 
canned lemonade and a package of
strawberries.  I want to make something
similar to McDonalds frozen 
strawberry lemonade.
mcdonalds strawberry lemonade

Here's a recipe for it-

Place the strawberries and 1/3 cup of sugar in the blender with 1/2 cup of ice and 1/2 cup of water. Blend until pureed. Pour into the bottom of 4 glasses.  Rinse out blender.

Then I plan to add a can of frozen
lemonade with some ice and water
to the blender.  Pour over top of
the strawberry puree in glass.
Stir slightly to swirl the lemonade
and strawberries together.

I think at the moment a small
strawberry lemonade at McDonalds
is $1.99 each x's 4 is $7.96

To make 4 homemade ones-
can of frozen lemonade- $1.59
pound of strawberries- $1.99
Total cost- $3.58 or
.58 to .89 cents each.
I haven't made it yet so I don't know
exactly how many servings I'll get.
I guessed 4-6 servings.
Could be much cheaper if you catch
strawberries and lemonade on sale.


I made the strawberry- lemonade freeze.
I think you could get about 9 servings
out of a pound of strawberries and 
a can of lemonade.
I made 3 servings with 1/3 of the
strawberries and 1/3 can of lemonade.
I added some Splenda sweetener
to the lemonade when I mixed
it up in the blender because I thought
it was too tart.
You could probably use Splenda
in with the strawberries as
well to cut down on sugar and calories.
I've sugared strawberries before
with Splenda and it came out just as good
as using sugar.

At .42 cents a serving, I think I
would skip getting any at McDonalds
at continue making my own!



How much snot can come out
of ones body???!!!
I keep blowing my nose.
It's not running but after taking
Mucinex it has loosened it up in 
my sinuses.  I just want it out and gone!!

Everyone keeps asking if I feel better today.
I have had only one go round of medicine
in me so no I don't feel any different
than the last 12 days.  Today is day 13.

I've had lots of wheezing and difficulty
breathing at times.  I did do my
inhaler once this evening after
being out in the heat trimming our
tree our front.
And I did get about three loads of
laundry done today.  That included
hanging them on the line to dry.

It is so irritating having pneumonia.
I know I am supposed to rest but I
get too fidgety if I sit or lay down too long.
I did take a nap for about an hour if that.

I did make supper tonight of
hamburgers on the George Foreman
instead of the grill in the heat.
And corn on the cob and homemade
potato salad.

Well I'm going to take my second
go round of antibiotics
and a tussicap pill.
Those pills will make you dizzy/sleepy
so best if I head to bed soon.


Saturday, May 28, 2011



Got up and did some yard saling this morning
in Gahanna .
Sales were so-so today, a little high priced.
They probably sucked because
of a holiday weekend.

 I stopped at a sale where a lady
was selling an emerald necklace
for $800!!  Come on now, that's
not exactly a yard sale item.
That's advertisement for crooks
who visit your yard sale!!

Here's a couple things I got.

 Moving Men furniture sliders .25 cents
A little dirty but I should be able
to clean them up for that much.
I love sliders for moving heavy furniture!

 New Fruit of the Loom 3 pack
t-shirts for Jonathan- $1.00
 And lastly a necklace and bracelet
set for $1.00.  Putting back for
mom for Christmas.


I watched this video today
that was hilarious.
It's called People of Walmart.

They also have a website called
Oh my goodness, the photos
people have submitted of 
people seen in Walmart are so funny.
They are trying to make a book
from people's photos.
I thought about submitting mine
that I took in Logan, Ohio
where a horse was parked in 
a parking space and tied to a light pole.



We left around almost 3:00pm
and are just now arriving home.
Tony and my mom pretty much
"ganged" up on me today wanting
me to go to Urgent Care.  I finally gave in.
We were there between 2.5-3 hours.

Doc first said it sounded like
I had a sinus infection that went into
my bronchial tubes.  I had a slight temperature.

After listening
to my lungs he said I was wheezing.
He then gave me a breathing treatment
with a nebulizer.  Then he came back in
and checked my lungs again and had me
go do an xray because he didn't like that I was
still wheezing.  It came back that
I had pneumonia in my left lower lung.

I am home and they put me on Levaquin antibiotics,
Mucinex MD and something called 
Tussicaps which are pills that are supposed
to help the cough and other
flu and cold like symptoms.

So there you have it.  I've pretty 
much have had pneumonia for the
past 12 days.  I still have some shakes
and jitters from the breathing treatment.

Getting ready to grab a bite to eat.
Grabbed one of those frozen pizzas
with wings when in Kroger getting
I might go lay down after that because
I feel chilled.  My one Tussicap pills say
it will make you dizzy and drowsy so
will try and take those only at bedtime.

Let's hope I don't get heartburn with
my pizza because I can't take
heartburn meds with my


Friday, May 27, 2011



Been running around town
with my honey all day.
He has today off for Memorial Day
instead of Monday.

Of course we went to our favorite
place to eat breakfast this morning-

From there we had to go to Uptown
Westerville to our insurance office.
Then from there went to 
a yard sale further North on
Old 3C in Delaware county.  
I found one thing while
Tony found 3.  Didn't see any other yard
sales after that :0(

Since I got Christopher a 
5 VHS set about trains for Christmas
I found Jonathan this 5 VHS set
about baseball.  I paid $2.00 for the set.

Tony found these items-

4 switch plates
$1.00 for the 2 double switch plates.
.50 cents for 2 single plates.
2 new looking outdoor cushions $1.00 for both.
We needed new ones for our swing.

And a bird bath for $1.00.
We put the one we have in the
front yard and now Tony
would like to have
one in the backyard.

From Delaware we went out
to Reynoldsburg to the transmission
shop where Tony's friend works.
He put the car on 2 different scanners.
It wouldn't scan for some reason
so there was a wasted trip.

From Reynoldsburg we cruised
over to Grove Port and walked
around the junk yard.
Stopped in a convenience
store for something to drink
and found these coupons-

Had to stop in Kroger before
coming home.
Home at 2:45pm.

And tonight we're heading back over to
Grove Port to go to Tony's
friend's house so he can see
what kind of work he wants
done on his house.

So when we're out and about 
again this evening we'll stop in Speedway.  
Today is free pizza slice day!
It is today only!
So for 4 slices pizza
and 4 Sunkist 20 ounce diet pops
with coupons should run
around $2.50 for all.

I'm tired of all this running
that's for sure!
And I'm sure there's no sleeping
in tomorrow since the kids
want to go to a few yard sales
tomorrow morning.

Still feel like my head's in a vice
and coughing like crazy.
There is some progress.
My head seems like it is starting
to try and drain some.
If I could get rid of this cough
I'd feel so much better.\
Let me just say that coughing
with weak bladder muscles
don't combine!
It's been 10 days now.
Tony keeps telling me he wants
to take me to Urgent Care and I just
cringe at the thought of any more
doctor bills.


V8 V-Fusion Tea Beverage Printable Coupon

100% fruit juices are getting expensive
and go rather quickly when you have
a large family of 4 or more.
Here is a way to stretch your fruit juice
and cut down on calories as well-
Tea is pretty inexpensive when you catch
sales and use coupons.  
Make up a batch of tea.
Either mix 1/2 tea & 1/2 fruit juice
or 3/4 tea & 1/4 fruit juice ratio

Tea has health benefits as well.
Tea has antioxidants,
and possibly antibiotic possessions
with different varieties.
So when you combine both
juice and tea you are stretching
your budget and getting more
health benefits from it!

v8 fusion with tea- about $3.50 
for 46 ounce bottle.
around .07+ cents per ounce.

compared to-

64 ounce 100% bottled juice on sale- $2.50
tea bags to make one pitcher- .16 cents
combine 1/2 tea & 1/2 juice into
two different containers.
Makes a total of 128 ounces.
Total cost- $2.66
or $1.33 per 64 ounce container!
.02+ cents per ounce!

You will have made 3x's+ the amount
of fruit juice and tea compared to
the one bottle of v8 Fusion!