Went to Dollar Tree this afternoon.
Had to get some ribbon for
a diaper cake I'm making.
I also picked up some yellow
roses for it with a hint
of pink around some of the edges.
While there I found Tony 9 pairs
of socks for $3.00 and some
packages of hot patches for
his back. A 2 pack for $1.00.
Here's what I have done so
far with the diaper cake.
I haven't got the thinner pink ribbon
on which will go in the center
of the wider yellow ribbon.
Not sure about putting rattles
and toys around the outside of the cake.
I think it looks feminine and
garden like the way it is to
go with the Peter Rabbit theme.
Was working more on the diaper cake.
I misplaced the pink ribbon I wanted
to add but found some pink lace
instead. The colors of this person's
baby shower are pink and yellow so I needed
to add in some pink decoration.
I also started putting baby's
breath flowers in the green leaves but
ran out. So I will complete this
another day as that's another trip
back to Dollar Tree to get some.
Still tinkering around with it
so it may change. Still might get
some more pink ribbon and redo
some of the lace.
I saw these pink baby blocks
at Dollar Tree and thought about
getting them for the cake.
They say BABY.

Got a wedding coming up
a little more than a month away.
I never know what to get people
for a wedding especially when
the couple has been living
together for years and pretty
much has everything.
Maybe I can figure out how
to make a towel & wash cloth
cake for them. Still need
to do some research and get
some ideas.
Starting to wind down the day.
Tony has had some improvement
with his back today so that's good.
Slow and easy is what I tell him.
Still has pain but lesser than
what it has been. For the past
week and a half he could barely even walk.
Need to make a run to the
auto parts store to get wipers.
One of the wipers on the truck
fell apart and we're expecting rain
this week.
Was working more on the diaper cake.
I misplaced the pink ribbon I wanted
to add but found some pink lace
instead. The colors of this person's
baby shower are pink and yellow so I needed
to add in some pink decoration.
I also started putting baby's
breath flowers in the green leaves but
ran out. So I will complete this
another day as that's another trip
back to Dollar Tree to get some.
Still tinkering around with it
so it may change. Still might get
some more pink ribbon and redo
some of the lace.
I saw these pink baby blocks
at Dollar Tree and thought about
getting them for the cake.
They say BABY.

Got a wedding coming up
a little more than a month away.
I never know what to get people
for a wedding especially when
the couple has been living
together for years and pretty
much has everything.
Maybe I can figure out how
to make a towel & wash cloth
cake for them. Still need
to do some research and get
some ideas.
Starting to wind down the day.
Tony has had some improvement
with his back today so that's good.
Slow and easy is what I tell him.
Still has pain but lesser than
what it has been. For the past
week and a half he could barely even walk.
Need to make a run to the
auto parts store to get wipers.
One of the wipers on the truck
fell apart and we're expecting rain
this week.
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