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Thursday, April 14, 2011



I got my pectin- grape juice made.
I went with the Ocean Spray 
diet cranberry grape made with Splenda.
I don't know if this will make 
a difference with helping pain relief
as I've read to use 100% juice,
either grape or pomegranate.
These juices are high in antioxidants
and is used as an anti-inflamitory.
But because my husband is diabetic
I had to use this juice.  It's only
5 calories and has 2 grams
of carbs per 1 cup serving.
I could use 100% juice which has
no added sugar.  The sugar seen
on the nutrition label is what
is produced by the fruit itself.
BUT even sugar produced by fruit
could cause a blood sugar spike
in people with diabetes.
This recipe says to drink 
4 ounces in the morning and
at night so don't know if those
lower doses would really affect
someone with diabetes.  It would
really depend upon the person.
To get an idea of what 4 ounces
looks like here I am holding a
measuring glass that is exactly 4 ounces.
I put the 64 ounce container
of juice into a large pot
and warmed it some, I did 
not bring it to a boil.
I then whisked in a packet
of Ball powdered pectin.
I did this in hopes that is doesn't
try to gel since I am not making
single servings and will need
to refrigerate this bottle.
This one bottle at two 4 ounce cups
a day will last 8 days.
This is supposed to help people with
joint pains such as arthritis.
As it starts working you can
reduce your intake of the juice with
pectin.  Maybe only going to
one 4 ounce cup a day instead of two.
Some people claim in can work within
a day all the way up to a week
so give it a little time before giving up
on it.  I've read and researched 
many, many statements
from people that say that this remedy
really works to the point they
don't take their pain medication anymore!!
It is not a new remedy and has been
around for many, many years.
Something your grandparents
might have used.


I got all my chicken breast divided
up into zip baggies for the freezer.
I ended up with 5 chicken breasts
out of this package.
Sometimes a package of meat can 
seem like it costs a lot.  This is
where you need to do the math.
This package of chicken breast cost
$7.61 and will make 5 meals.
So it will cost $1.52 a meal 
to add 1.09 pounds of meat.
That's much cheaper than buying 
smaller packages of meat which could
average about $2-$4 for just one meal.
I think hamburger runs around $2.79
to $3 a pound!
Normally I can't afford chicken breasts
so this is a treat for us.  I usually
buy chicken leg quarters which
are much cheaper per pound.
These are pretty big chicken breasts.
Here's my hand for comparison.


Tonight's supper will be BLTs.
Bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwiches
on wheat toast.

Earlier this week I purchased a
head of lettuce which is cheaper than buying
bagged & chopped lettuce unless
you can find it marked down.  Plus
you get more from a head of lettuce.
I also got a package of 4 tomatoes.

This is how I stretched one head of lettuce
and 4 tomatoes:

cheeseburgers, taco salad, BLTs,
and side salads.

cheeseburgers, BLTs and any remaining
tomatoes will be chopped up
and used in spaghetti sauce for 
a spaghetti meal.

So when you are able to get more
than one use out of food items
the cost doesn't seem as bad
as if you had just used it for one meal.


Last month I purchased a 4 pack
of Scott's toilet paper for $4.49.  I've never
used it before now.  Anyway I got it
because the rolls were longer
than the 6 packs of double rolls I was comparing
it to on the store shelves.
Scott's is a single ply toilet paper
so we had to double up on it some
during it's use.  And of course there's
always the kids who like to use
too much toilet paper.
I want to say that these 4 rolls of
toilet paper lasted a family of 4
for 29 days, almost a month.

So the end result, I thought it did
it's job and was cheaper for us to use.
I bought another 4 roll pack yesterday
at kroger for $4.49.
Cost us .15 cents a day over a 29 day period.


The other day I cleaned out the gerbil cage.
I had been giving them some stuffing
out of an old pillow to use as nesting
material.  Instead of throwing it out,
I put it out in the bush out front
so that the birds could use
it for their nesting material.
Being Spring, birds are starting
to build nests and families so
why not give them things like
old material cut up and some
dryer lint to line those nests with
and be able to recycle some
of those things you many have
otherwise thrown away.


Tomorrow will start our first
day of garage sales for me and mom.
I find the sales in the Suburban Newspaper
(SNP) that comes on Wednesdays
and Craigslist.  
I then write down and map out all sales
that are in certain areas to save on gas
and have a plan of action before
actually setting out.  When using craigslist
I scan the sales by looking at their
location in parentheses on the right 
of the ads.
I like to use mapquest to get directions.
Tomorrow it looks as though we
will be in the Westerville area
as that is where I found the most
yard sales kind of in our area.
I checked and
it says the only rain we might get will
be in the evening so that's good.


After seeing all these programs on 
tv like Storage Wars, we now
would like to go to one some time
and see what it is all about.
HERE is one for Saturday in Obetz.

Other places to check for
storage auctions in your area-

Storage Auction

UStoreIt -
locations all over Ohio

How does an Ohio self storage auction work?



Just did another survey at Opinion Outpost.
Slowly but surely making money
to put towards Christmas.
Now up to $108.90.
They had sent me two full sized
products to try for free then
I got $2.50 for completing
a survey about it.

Plus I got $50 in Gamestop gift cards
from surveys and another survey
site I've made $17 in the last couple months
which you can opt
to get a check or have them deposit
it into paypal.  I opted for paypal
to save a trip to the bank and I can
use it items on Ebay that we may need.
Pinecone Research.
You don't get these surveys as much
but they pay you $3 per survey.



I called our family doctor to get
my hubby an appointment about
his back pain.  I know what they'll
probably say, go see a physical therapist
and/or give him more drugs for the pain.

That had to be the quickest doctor's
appointment I have gotten!
He sees the doctor in 2.5 hours
at 3:20pm!



Well here's how the appointment went.
Tony saw my doctor today.
He hasn't been too fond of his doctor
and his doctor was out of the office
so that's how that worked out.

My doctor wants him to get
a cat scan.  And he gave him
percacets for pain at the moment.
Then he told him him something
to the affect that his regular doctor
has his gabapentin prescription wrong.
I don't really know everything
as I was not there and for a man
to remember things that the doctor
said and to be able to tell you once
he got home would be like asking for
a miracle, lol.  He has another appointment
to return to the family doctor on 
the 21st of this month.  Don't
know when the cat scan is scheduled
for as they will let us know
and probably send us the paperwork.

Tony wanted me to go back
to the doctor on the 21st with him
but I had to remind him that
was when the new cable/phone/internet
was getting installed at our home
so had to be home for that.

Well Tony has the on call pager
this evening.  We also have to
go to Kroger to get his pain

Well gotta go for now.
Need to send out the recipe
for the grape juice and pectin
to a few people who have taken
an interest in it and are willing
to try stuff to battle the daily 
pain they go through.



We just returned from Kroger
that was about 5 minutes from Tony's work
only to have the pager go off as soon
as we got home.

I did get another of the
buy 2 get 2 free six packs of
diet pop.  And used another coupon
to get the 5th six pack free.
.26 cents a bottle is much cheaper
than $1.11 (when you buy 2 at Speedway)
or around $1.70-$1.80 when you
only buy one bottle.
So yeah we're stocked up on
pop at the moment.

I also found this great deal-
2.5 dozen eggs marked down
to .99 cents!
These are usually on sale for
$2.50 when you can find them like this.
And I am happy to announce that
I finally picked up a box of
nicotine gum to help quit smoking.
At the moment I opted to get the
gum instead of the patches.
The reason is I feel that the gum
would satisfy that instant urge of
wanting a cigarette at certain
times compared to a patch which
slowly releases nicotine into
your system throughout the day.
Now the pharmacist said I could
use the patch and gum together.
And he said it was ok to smoke
a few cigarettes while on the gum.
The patch does not recommend that
you smoke at all once your start
using it.

I told Tony I had a goal set to help
me with quitting smoking.
If I could quit smoking and apply
that money to our principal on the
house.  And by doing this could
have the house paid off in
maybe 9 years.  He doesn't believe
me but I've done all my research
with the mortgage calculator
that says it can happen!
At what I am applying now
it will be paid off in 17 years
(around retirement age for Tony)
instead of a 30 year loan.

So to be able to knock a 
30 year loan down to 
12 years would save a ton 
in interest!!  (would only be 9 years to go
since we've had the house for 3 years already)
And the house could
be paid off 5 years before retirement!
Then we could put that money we would
be paying on the house 
(minus insurance and taxes)
and put it into the bank for our 
retirement savings.
So let's say the house payment
normally is $643 a month.
times 12 months then times
5 years.  That's $38,580 saved
in 5 years time.  That doesn't 
include paying taxes and insurance
on the house or any interest
made from the bank.

For a family of 4 on one income
I think this is a wise decision to make.
Tony just started getting 401K this
year so we won't have much retirement
from that.  And as we already
know social security won't be much
to live off of.  

Other than for health reasons 
you can see why I am pretty
anxious to quit smoking.
See what can happen when
you decide to quit!!

Well all it's 9:30pm.
I need to be getting ready for bed soon.
Yard sale time tomorrow.
I'm so excited that time is
finally here again!
Still waiting for Tony to
get back from work also.

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