Wow, we hit a record high
temperature of 84 degrees yesterday.
The old record was 82 degrees.
Today it's supposed to be in the
70's with rain.
Mom called this morning and
wanted to know if I would go with
her to Kroger. I had already done
my shopping the day before but figured
I'd go along looking for any mark
I got 10 packages of Pollock
fish fillets for $1.00 each.
I gave a package to mom.
There's about 4-5 fillets in each pkg.
She's giving me a couple
packages of deer burger.
I also got 12 more free
peanut butter and chocolate eggs
with coupons.
Today it's supposed to be in the
70's with rain.
Mom called this morning and
wanted to know if I would go with
her to Kroger. I had already done
my shopping the day before but figured
I'd go along looking for any mark
I got 10 packages of Pollock
fish fillets for $1.00 each.
I gave a package to mom.
There's about 4-5 fillets in each pkg.
She's giving me a couple
packages of deer burger.
I also got 12 more free
peanut butter and chocolate eggs
with coupons.
Kroger has this sale below from
their ad. Not long ago
there was coupons on 2 liter
bottles of pop at Kroger that I had saved.
Buy 2 six packs of bottled pop
get 2 free is their sale. And when you use
this coupon (if you can find
Canada Dry in the bottles
because I didn't see them
at the Karl Kroger)
you can get another 6 pack free.
So buy 2 get 3 free.
You'd pay $7.98 for 5 six packs.
And it would be like $1.59
a 6 pack or .26 cents a bottle.
At noon today the Insight salesman
is supposed to come to my house
then we'll go to mom's house
to see what kind of deal we
can get on her cable and phone.
Got my fingers crossed to save them
some more money!
Well I called the hospital this morning
to set up a payment plan to pay off
our hospital bills. So far I have
my hubby's set up for $40 a month
for 3 years. I'm still working on mine.
I'm hoping that I can apply more
than that to get it paid off earlier.
I've already managed to cancel
our Sunday paper each week
and get our cable bill down.
So I do have a little extra to put
forth on these bills.
I was able to save almost
$39 on those two items so
can now apply that to those
doctor bills.
We never got out car sold.
We was hoping to sell it
and apply that money to pay
off doctor bills. But you should
never depend upon one method
as it may not always work out.
At least set up a payment plan
and pay the minimum amount
that you can and then pay extra
as you have it to get it paid
off early. Don't lock into a higher
payment only to find out you
cannot pay it each month.
That will only hurt you.
Just returned from mom's house
and having the meeting with
the Insight cable man.
Why can't their cable setup
and price be as easy as mine was?
Theirs will be a higher price for
two months then a lower price
for the remainder of the year
due to a promotion that kicks
in a month from now.
It's complicated. I'm having
them get everything in writing!
The cable man was nice but I told
him this, everything you tell me
verbally means nothing to me
until I see it in writing.
In this economy we have to watch
every penny!
Then as we're talking and discussing
things among ourselves I hear
another crap load of police cars!
They are very close, within
a block from my mom's. Now this
time around I hear the helicopter overhead.
I jokingly says to mom, I'd better
check to see if they are not at my house.
And as I step out their door and look
down the street towards my house
I see the helicopter circling
in the area of my house. So most
of the time I'm at mom's talking to
the cable guy I'm sitting on pins and needles.
Once done with the cable guy I had
mom drive me home for safety reasons
because I had walked
to her house. We saw that a street behind my
house had 5 cop cars that had a car surrounded.
Another 6th cop car lurked nearby.
Why was I so nervous that a helicopter
was flying above my home?
For some that don't know the story,
about a year ago, I had gone a block
away to my mom's to wait for the kids
bus which stopped right out front
of her house. We were shooting the
breeze on the front porch before the
bus got there. We saw the helicopter
flying low in the neighborhood.
We thought nothing of it as it
can be a daily occurrence around here.
The bus came and I drove the kids home.
As I reached our house it had
several cop cars parked out front.
Someone had scoped out our home
and knew when I left. Once gone
they went into our back yard and
stole things. The neighbor saw this take
place and called police which in turn
sent out about 3-4 police cars
and their helicopter. The helicopter
was out looking for them. They were
never found.
So yeah I have good reason to get
nervous considering I just left my house
and moments later the helicopter
is hovering above it.
I always keep the doors closed
and locked during the day when
I'm home alone!!
I feel better knowing that whoever
they were looking for today was
I told ya with this bad economy
and prices starting to skyrocket,
crimes and burglaries are going
to take place more and more.
Earlier this morning
we stopped in Speedway before
coming home. It was sooo hot in that
store!! I made the comment they
should prop open the door or something
and the cashier said they wasn't allowed.
Last year their air condition went
out over the Summer and their chocolates
were all melted. The cashier told me today that
someone had stole the air conditioner
to the store.
I knew copper & metal theft would be on
the rise with rising prices but this
is ridiculous. They even hit a cemetary
and took many bronze flower
vases that sit on the headstones.
That is taking it too far!!
It doesn't matter if you live in the city
or out in the sticks. You always
have to be careful, watch your back,
and lock your stuff up!!
We now have a fence up around our backyard
to keep wandering eyes that pass by
from seeing things in our yard.
It will make it more difficult now
for people to try and steal things
if they have a fence blocking them.
Crooks want easy access- easy in
and easy out as fast as possible.
Try to deter them with things like
fences and locks! Locks on sheds,
bicycles and in our case locking lug
nuts on our cars (yupper they have even
left one of our cars on blocks and stole
the freaking tires!) and hidden gas shut
offs for the muscle cars. You may
hot wire it and think you're gonna
steal it but you're out of luck
when no gas can get to the motor
and it won't start!!
Here was my project for the day, lol.
Mom gave me a bag of pieces and
parts of some of her decorative
pieces that had broke.
See what a lil super can do, lol.
All better now.
Got supper in the oven.
Stuffed peppers.
bell peppers- free
sausage- $1.89
1 pkg brown rice- .67 cents
1 can tomato soup- .50 cents
1/2 of a large can diced tomatoes- .35 cents
small chunk of Velveeta cheese- .25 cents
leftover dorito crumbs- free
leftover shredded cheese- free
bacon bits- free
Total cost- $3.66
serves 5 with peppers
& 2 with just rice & sausage
.52 cents a serving.
Think I might retire to the bedroom
and read a book mom let me borrow.
My stomach isn't feeling the greatest.
It's called

1966 Topeka, Kansas Tornado video.
coming home. It was sooo hot in that
store!! I made the comment they
should prop open the door or something
and the cashier said they wasn't allowed.
Last year their air condition went
out over the Summer and their chocolates
were all melted. The cashier told me today that
someone had stole the air conditioner
to the store.
I knew copper & metal theft would be on
the rise with rising prices but this
is ridiculous. They even hit a cemetary
and took many bronze flower
vases that sit on the headstones.
That is taking it too far!!
It doesn't matter if you live in the city
or out in the sticks. You always
have to be careful, watch your back,
and lock your stuff up!!
We now have a fence up around our backyard
to keep wandering eyes that pass by
from seeing things in our yard.
It will make it more difficult now
for people to try and steal things
if they have a fence blocking them.
Crooks want easy access- easy in
and easy out as fast as possible.
Try to deter them with things like
fences and locks! Locks on sheds,
bicycles and in our case locking lug
nuts on our cars (yupper they have even
left one of our cars on blocks and stole
the freaking tires!) and hidden gas shut
offs for the muscle cars. You may
hot wire it and think you're gonna
steal it but you're out of luck
when no gas can get to the motor
and it won't start!!
Here was my project for the day, lol.
Mom gave me a bag of pieces and
parts of some of her decorative
pieces that had broke.
See what a lil super can do, lol.
All better now.
Got supper in the oven.
Stuffed peppers.
bell peppers- free
sausage- $1.89
1 pkg brown rice- .67 cents
1 can tomato soup- .50 cents
1/2 of a large can diced tomatoes- .35 cents
small chunk of Velveeta cheese- .25 cents
leftover dorito crumbs- free
leftover shredded cheese- free
bacon bits- free
Total cost- $3.66
serves 5 with peppers
& 2 with just rice & sausage
.52 cents a serving.
Think I might retire to the bedroom
and read a book mom let me borrow.
My stomach isn't feeling the greatest.
It's called

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