This is how dark it usually
is at that hour of the morning.
Camera has a hard time taking

This is how dark it usually
is at that hour of the morning.
Camera has a hard time taking
Lightning lights up the sky.
Don't have any plans of going anywhere
today other than to Kroger to
get Tony's prescriptions
and maybe drop off some donations.
With the weather being nicer
I can head to the basement now
and start weeding out more stuff.
During the Winter months it's
too cold down there to do
anything but laundry.
I'm sure getting my workout today
running up and down basement steps!!
Lots of work ahead of me.
It's easier to throw out or donate stuff
than trying to figure out what to do with
and where to store stuff.
Home from dropping off a truckload
of stuff and going to Kroger.
Our butcher friend gave us a bunch
of free samples of some thick steak
burgers while there! Yummy!
I found some Ball salsa mix.
Hoping to grow a bunch of tomatoes
this year and use this to make
canned salsa.
I have cilantro seeds I want
to plant as well for use in
.59 cents each.
They also had butter & dill pickle
mixes but I hadn't planned on
growing any cucumbers this year
so didn't get any.
Right before heading to the store
we heard and saw police cars and
an ambulance pull up to our diagonal
neighbor's house out back and across the
side road. It really worried us as this
neighbor is an elderly woman who lives
by herself. A couple of people who must
of known the lady was there sitting outside
by their cars. They had to have the police
break the glass in the side storm door
and possibly break down the other door to
get in her house. I feared the worst.
But good news,
they hauled her out on a stretcher
and she was sitting up and alert.
I don't know if she fell or what
and couldn't get to a door or phone
and that's why the police had to
break in her home.
It must not have been too serious
because we were right behind
the ambulance when we left
and no lights or sirens were on.
They traveled normal speeds.
I've been in weed out mode today.
I've got another truck load ready
to haul out of here.
Tomorrow morning Insight
cable is supposed to be here
between 10 & noon to install
our new cable/phone/internet.
Once that's done we're
heading to Olentangy Indian Caverns.
After walking around the caverns
we're taking the kids to Golden Corral.
We wanted to eat someplace nice
at least once this week while
on vacation and splurge a little.
Friday Tony is supposed to
go in for a cat scan and then was
supposed to see his family doctor
Monday. He says he's thinking
about canceling all those appointments
since he isn't experiencing any more
back or groin pain. It's like it just
up and went away.
That's saying a lot because he had
been in severe pain to the point he had to
almost take a week off work
and could barely walk!!
I can tell you this, he has been drinking
a 4 ounce glass of grape juice
with pectin in the morning and
at night daily. So maybe this drink
really works for the pain.
I read somewhere that I think
this homemade remedy goes
back to the 1940's.
So if you've got back or joint
pain I would recommend trying it.
What have you got to lose?!
And I've been seeing the pectin
at various Kroger stores in
the mark down bin for around
.79 cents. One box is added
to a 64 ounce container of
100% grape or pomegranate juice.
BUT the first time I made it I used
grape juice made with Splenda
and realized it was only 5% juice.
So maybe either or would work.
Don't have any plans of going anywhere
today other than to Kroger to
get Tony's prescriptions
and maybe drop off some donations.
With the weather being nicer
I can head to the basement now
and start weeding out more stuff.
During the Winter months it's
too cold down there to do
anything but laundry.
I'm sure getting my workout today
running up and down basement steps!!
Lots of work ahead of me.
It's easier to throw out or donate stuff
than trying to figure out what to do with
and where to store stuff.
Home from dropping off a truckload
of stuff and going to Kroger.
Our butcher friend gave us a bunch
of free samples of some thick steak
burgers while there! Yummy!
I found some Ball salsa mix.
Hoping to grow a bunch of tomatoes
this year and use this to make
canned salsa.
I have cilantro seeds I want
to plant as well for use in
.59 cents each.
They also had butter & dill pickle
mixes but I hadn't planned on
growing any cucumbers this year
so didn't get any.
Right before heading to the store
we heard and saw police cars and
an ambulance pull up to our diagonal
neighbor's house out back and across the
side road. It really worried us as this
neighbor is an elderly woman who lives
by herself. A couple of people who must
of known the lady was there sitting outside
by their cars. They had to have the police
break the glass in the side storm door
and possibly break down the other door to
get in her house. I feared the worst.
But good news,
they hauled her out on a stretcher
and she was sitting up and alert.
I don't know if she fell or what
and couldn't get to a door or phone
and that's why the police had to
break in her home.
It must not have been too serious
because we were right behind
the ambulance when we left
and no lights or sirens were on.
They traveled normal speeds.
I've been in weed out mode today.
I've got another truck load ready
to haul out of here.
Tomorrow morning Insight
cable is supposed to be here
between 10 & noon to install
our new cable/phone/internet.
Once that's done we're
heading to Olentangy Indian Caverns.
After walking around the caverns
we're taking the kids to Golden Corral.
We wanted to eat someplace nice
at least once this week while
on vacation and splurge a little.
Friday Tony is supposed to
go in for a cat scan and then was
supposed to see his family doctor
Monday. He says he's thinking
about canceling all those appointments
since he isn't experiencing any more
back or groin pain. It's like it just
up and went away.
That's saying a lot because he had
been in severe pain to the point he had to
almost take a week off work
and could barely walk!!
I can tell you this, he has been drinking
a 4 ounce glass of grape juice
with pectin in the morning and
at night daily. So maybe this drink
really works for the pain.
I read somewhere that I think
this homemade remedy goes
back to the 1940's.
So if you've got back or joint
pain I would recommend trying it.
What have you got to lose?!
And I've been seeing the pectin
at various Kroger stores in
the mark down bin for around
.79 cents. One box is added
to a 64 ounce container of
100% grape or pomegranate juice.
BUT the first time I made it I used
grape juice made with Splenda
and realized it was only 5% juice.
So maybe either or would work.
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