Good news, I was able to get
the hair coloring off my skin
with regular white toothpaste!
This morning I was in a paint
tinkering mood. The walls aren't
painted the new color so I use
them as a practice canvas, lol.
So I tried my hand at old world
faux painting. To do something
like this would take a lot of
work and time on all these
walls so don't know if I would
do it.
I washed the painted wall area
with a yellow tinted glaze first.
Wiped it down with a dry rag
then put some cinnamon colored
walmart craft paint in a cup
with some water to dilute it.
I dipped my fingers in the cups
and fingerprinted the wall.
It ran down the wall some which
was ok. I then took a dry sponge
and smeared the cinnamon color
in just a little then blotted
with the sponge.
Did ya get all that process?
See told ya it wouldn't sound
like fun doing large walls like that
or even a whole room. This
is all done over top the camel
paint color.
You might see it better
if you click and enlarge.
You might see it better
if you click and enlarge.
Faux painting can be fun.
Here's part of the faux wooden
train car I did in my son's room.
The windows in the train car
are done with a glow in the
dark paint.
A tip from Dollar Stretcher-
Lawn Luxury
Create a thick luxurious lawn. With winter finally coming to an end, we all look forward to a thick and beautiful lawn without chemicals. You will need:
* 1 cup seaweed extract (from nursery)
* 1 cup fish emulsion (From nursery)
* 1 gallon of cool tap water
Place all ingredients in a large bucket and mix well. Use a hose end sprayer to spray the lawn. This spraying is normally done in the spring and the fall and should keep the weeds out of the lawn, too!
Birdie at feeder this morning.
Create a thick luxurious lawn. With winter finally coming to an end, we all look forward to a thick and beautiful lawn without chemicals. You will need:
* 1 cup seaweed extract (from nursery)
* 1 cup fish emulsion (From nursery)
* 1 gallon of cool tap water
Place all ingredients in a large bucket and mix well. Use a hose end sprayer to spray the lawn. This spraying is normally done in the spring and the fall and should keep the weeds out of the lawn, too!
Birdie at feeder this morning.
I wanted to see what my camel
paint color looked like on a wall.
Paint samples don't do it justice
once you see the whole picture.
It will still need another coat
because I don't have the proper
paint supplies and are only
using a mini roller.
I went ahead and left the original
wall color and didn't primer it
with white first. I figured the yellow
color would be good for the undercoat
of a warm camel color.
Before and after.
Mom had gone to the senior center
this morning and brought
me back these freebies:
bag of multigrain French bread slices,
onion hamburger buns,
2 large yellow onions and
2 large bags of grapes.
Tonight's supper-
Potato soup with toasted
French bread slices.
I needed to use up about
8 pounds of potatoes.
I'm getting tired of them staring at
me, literally, they've started
producing eyes!
So here's all the ingredients
going into my soup.
Got about 4 pounds of the potatoes
cut up (with skins) in a pot
of boiling water.
I'll take about 1/4 of those
and mash them up. That will
be the thickener for the soup.
Mom's been getting me free bags
of French bread slices. Trying
to find ways to use these so today
I took the bag she got me and dipped
them in a mixture of olive oil,
season salt, parmesan, and Italian seasoning
then spread them out on a cookie sheet,
sprinkled garlic powder on top
and baked til crisp. I don't have
any crackers for my ham & bean or
ham & potato soup so will use these
crumbled up on top.
The house smells sooo good with
French bread slices in the oven!
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tornado sirens across Franklin County will sound on Wednesday morning as part of Severe Weather Awareness Week.
Franklin County Emergency Management officials said the drill, scheduled for 9:50 a.m., is part of a statewide tornado drill, 10TV News reported.
The test will take the place of the weekly siren test, which usually happens at noon.
We are also expecting severe
thunderstorms tomorrow.
Tonight we had to go to Henderson
Rd. Kroger to get Tony's prescriptions.
While there I got me 3 more
Cadbury Eggs and 3 Peanut Butter Eggs
for free again.
We had to stop in Speedway to get
gas so I picked up a bunch more
of those candy coupons.
I also found at Kroger in the
mark down bin some flameless
candles made from beeswax
and scented vanilla for $2.50 each.
When me and mom were in
Target last week pricing
them they were around $10 each.
So I jumped on these.
They take 3 AAA batteries
in each candle and not the round
and flat kinds. Which is good
if ya ask me. I can get rechargable
batteries for them.
The packaging said the batteries
should last 150 hours in these candles!
That would be like running
them 6.25 days straight.
Tomorrow we plan to get some
cheap black spray paint. I then can
paint my lights I want to put
the flameless candles in.
Right now I have taken those
lights completely apart to get
ready to paint. Let's hope I can
remember how to put them back
Tonight I need to mark on
my shelf I recently got
where Tony needs to cut it.
He plans to take it to work and
do it. Then I want to spray
paint it black also.
And (as if I don't have enought
projects going) Tony got me
some paint trays, a brush, rollers
and roller heads to be able
to paint on the walls some more.
No longer using VHS tapes
and don't have a use for them.
Use the tape to crochet
reusable grocery bags!

Tonight we had to go to Henderson
Rd. Kroger to get Tony's prescriptions.
While there I got me 3 more
Cadbury Eggs and 3 Peanut Butter Eggs
for free again.
We had to stop in Speedway to get
gas so I picked up a bunch more
of those candy coupons.
I also found at Kroger in the
mark down bin some flameless
candles made from beeswax
and scented vanilla for $2.50 each.
When me and mom were in
Target last week pricing
them they were around $10 each.
So I jumped on these.
They take 3 AAA batteries
in each candle and not the round
and flat kinds. Which is good
if ya ask me. I can get rechargable
batteries for them.
The packaging said the batteries
should last 150 hours in these candles!
That would be like running
them 6.25 days straight.
Tomorrow we plan to get some
cheap black spray paint. I then can
paint my lights I want to put
the flameless candles in.
Right now I have taken those
lights completely apart to get
ready to paint. Let's hope I can
remember how to put them back
Tonight I need to mark on
my shelf I recently got
where Tony needs to cut it.
He plans to take it to work and
do it. Then I want to spray
paint it black also.
And (as if I don't have enought
projects going) Tony got me
some paint trays, a brush, rollers
and roller heads to be able
to paint on the walls some more.
No longer using VHS tapes
and don't have a use for them.
Use the tape to crochet
reusable grocery bags!

Has anyone tried Bio Oil?
I've been considering splurging
and getting a bottle.
There's a $2.00 coupon on their
website if anyone could print off one
or two for me :0)
At the moment it's on sale at
Walgreens for $14.99
reg. $19.99 for a 4.2 ounce.
A 2 ounce is $11.99.
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